Bali Immigration Finds 4 Caucasians Who Hold Sex Parties With Locals In Canggu

BADUNG - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk said his party was looking for Caucasians who allegedly had sex parties in Canggu.

"That immigration officers are currently in the field looking for the truth of the news," said Jamaruli, Wednesday, June 2 night.

If found, the Caucasians will be immediately arrested. Immigration will also coordinate with related parties.

"If it is found, it will immediately secure it, and coordinate with related parties," he said.

Previously, videos of short sex parties circulated on social media. This nasty scene was played by four foreigners and one local person in a villa in Bali.

On social media, not even one short video was made but. This video is spread by Caucasians who are cast in their social media accounts.

Meanwhile, the video of the sex party they made was uploaded to the TikTok account of the lovers Kevin and Celina, then spread through Twitter.

On the Twitter account, several videos were uploaded which were located in a villa allegedly located in Canggu, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali.

Regarding this information, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Badung Regency, I Gusti Agung Ketut Suryanegara, said that they were still investigating the villa where the sex party was located.

"We're still looking and checking the information and just reading on social media it says it's in Canggu. We're still looking around for where. We'll ask first, including from the Official Village apparatus and the Traditional Village. We're still looking, later we'll more info," said Suryanegara, when contacted, Wednesday, June 2.