Climber From Jakarta Dies On Mount Latimojong, South Sulawesi

JAKARTA - Climber from Jakarta, Basuki Rachmad, died on Mount Latimojong, Enrekang, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). The chronology of the climber's death is not yet known.

"The victim was evacuated by the Palopo SAR team," said Head of the Operations and Alert Section of the Makassar Basarnas, M Rizal, confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, June 2.

According to him, the victim this afternoon had been brought down to post II. The victim was then taken to the village.

"The chronology is not yet known due to communication difficulties," continued Rizal.

The death of the climber from Jakarta who is estimated to be 40 years old is the first incident on Mount Latimojong in 2021. This climber is known to have his address in Tebet, South Jakarta.

"This is the first to climb and die in 2021," said Rizal.