Judge Commemorates Witness Corruption Bansos: Don't Protect People, Don't Play Games, We Can Detain Brothers

JAKARTA - The chairman of the panel of judges in the alleged corruption case of social assistance (bansos) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Muhammad Damis said the testimony of witness Agustri Yogasmara alias Yogas seemed to protect someone. Because the witness is considered to provide convoluted information.

The judge gave a warning when Yogas answered the public prosecutor's question regarding the awarding of prizes from Harry Van Sidabuke as a bribe in this alleged corruption case.

"I have permission to clarify. Brompton I told Harry to give it to Harry to buy it. Harry said I bought it. I said leave it first and I'll pay it," said Yogas in a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2.

Not yet finished explaining the answer, the presiding judge Muhammad Damis interrupted. Yogas was warned to provide honest and uncomplicated information.

"This is the second warning to the witness so that the witness gives the correct information. Once again I remind you, you are serious about providing the correct information. You don't have to protect someone in this case so that you are safe," said Damis.

In addition, Damis reminded that witnesses who provide false information can be sentenced to a maximum of 12 years in prison. The judge emphasized that false information could also be threatened with detention.

"If this assembly comes to a conclusion, I will ask the clerk to finalize the minutes of your examination and you may, according to the provisions of the procedural law, we may arrest you tonight, today not to go home," said Damis.

"Don't play games. Try it, try not to mess with me," continued Damis.

"No, Your Majesty," answered Yogas.

Until finally, Judge Damis allowed the prosecutor to continue to dig up Yogas's statement.