Corruption Case, Southeast Aceh KIP Official Sued 2 Years In Prison

BANDA ACEH - The public prosecutor (JPU) has charged the defendant Muhammad Irwandi Ramud, Secretary of the Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Aceh Landmarks, with a sentence of two years in prison in the case of corruption in the 2017 Pilkada grant fund.

Prosecutor Edwardo from the Southeast Aceh District Prosecutor's Office said the charges were read out in a trial at the Banda Aceh Corruption Court.

Apart from prosecuting the defendant Muhamamad Irwandi Ramud, the Public Prosecutor also demanded Dikki Suprapto, who served as Treasurer of the Southeast Aceh KIP, with a sentence of one year and six months in the same case.

The trial with the panel of judges with the chairman Nurmiati took place virtually. The two defendants attended the trial from the Kutacane Penitentiary, Aceh Tenggara, where they were detained. The two defendants were accompanied by legal counsel Kasibun Daulay.

In addition to the criminal charges, the prosecutor also demanded that the two defendants pay a fine of IDR 50 million each with a subsidiary of three months in prison.

But the prosecutor did not demand that the two defendants pay compensation for state losses. The state loss money of Rp909 million which was returned by the two defendants at the investigation stage was confiscated for the state.

"The two defendants are guilty of violating Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 1999 which was amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption," said prosecutor Edwardo.

Previously, the prosecutor in his indictment stated that the two defendants had deviated from the management of the Southeast Aceh Regency Government grant funds for the 2016-2017 fiscal year with a value of IDR 27 billion.

The grant funds are for the implementation of the 2017-2022 Southeast Aceh Regent and Deputy Regent elections. There are several budget items that the two defendants cannot account for.

The two defendants used the grant budget that was not in accordance with its designation which caused state losses of Rp.909 million, there was even evidence of fictitious receipts.