Puan Maharani Wants The Procurement Of Alutsista Must Be According To Needs, Not Used Goods

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the design of the Defense and Security Equipment Toolkit for the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Alpalhankam). The design has attracted widespread attention because the value of the needs reached Rp 1,788 trillion.

Puan said the DPR supports the fulfillment of the need for the main weapon system of the TNI to maintain the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation and state. However, he warned that the procurement of defense equipment must be in accordance with regional characteristics and national needs.

"The DPR RI encourages the need for defense equipment for the Republic of Indonesia to be in accordance with regional characteristics and the potential threats it faces," said Puan in her statement, Wednesday, June 2.

Puan said that the Alpalhankam draft would be discussed through Commission I of the DPR. According to him, the TNI's defense equipment needs must be updated and modernized by referring to the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) strategic plan which will end in 2024.

“We will discuss it through Commission I, what is needed by the TNI? It is no longer possible to procure defense equipment that does not match the needs and characteristics of the country's territory," said Puan

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture emphasized that the fulfillment of defense equipment needs must be adjusted to the needs and characteristics of the country.

"It must be in accordance with the characteristics, potential threats, and geopolitics," he continued.

Puan assessed that the sinking of the KRI Nanggala should be a lesson not to buy used goods.

"Since the KRI Nanggala incident, I have asked and suggested that what defense equipment we are going to buy is not used goods," he said.