Nadiem Makarim Launches A Limited Face-to-Face Guide During The Pandemic, Here Are The Details

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has launched Learning Implementation Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education (PAUD Dikdasmen) during the COVID-19 pandemic.” This guide is a tool for teachers and education personnel at the PAUD Dikdasmen level in facilitating the preparation of limited face-to-face learning (PTM)," said Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, who was monitored in Jakarta, quoted by Antara. , Wednesday, June 2. He added that the guide was launched based on input from educators and parents. In addition, stakeholders in the education sector need operational guidelines as a derivative of the joint decree (SKB) of the four ministers to make it easier to prepare and implement limited PTM during the pandemic. "We hope that in implementing limited PTM, this guide can be adapted and developed based on conditions. schools in their respective areas,” said Nadiem. His party also added that the guidelines could be studied carefully and applied as best they could. The collaboration of all parties is needed in the implementation of limited PTM. Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas also welcomes and fully supports the launch of the Learning Implementation Guide for Early Childhood Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic. "I believe this guide has been eagerly awaited, not only teachers and students. , but also parents of students and society in general," he said. Yaqut invited all stakeholders to immediately implement limited PTM by following the guidelines that had been launched. "Let's support, implement and comply with the policy points of implementing learning in the future. pandemic as regulated in this guide by placing aspects of student health, safety and security as priority aspects that need to be considered and upheld," said the Minister of Religion.

Previously, through a four ministerial decree released on March 30, 2021, the government had determined that the central government, regional government, regional office, or Ministry of Religion office required education units whose teachers and teaching staff had been fully vaccinated to immediately provide limited PTM services. Learning services Distance learning must also be provided so that parents can choose for their children to do limited face-to-face learning or continue to carry out distance learning (PJJ). For educational units in regions that have or are in the process of conducting limited PTM, although educators and their education staff have not been vaccinated, they are still allowed to follow health protocols in accordance with local government permits. Limited PTM is different from ordinary face-to-face learning. Schools must ensure distance between students. Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class, which is usually 36. The capacity of students is only allowed to be half of normal conditions. Schools are given the authority to choose if they want to carry out PTM only twice in their schools. If you want to split the study group from one to three, please split it up. It gives the freedom to determine how the technical implementation of PTM is limited. When the vaccination of educators and education personnel is complete, they must provide a limited PTM option and this is done gradually. The school also determines whether the implementation of limited PTM is carried out two days or three days a week. His party wants schools to start face-to-face learning exercises, even though it is only a maximum of 50 percent of the capacity per class. The implementation must implement health protocols, namely using masks, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance.