Jambi Police Now Examining Members Of The Golkar Faction DPRD After 3 Of Their Men Suspect PT Sawitindo's Palm Oil Theft

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police questioned an individual member of the West Tanjung Jabung Regency DPRD from the Golkar faction with the initials BA.

The second BA investigation related to the theft of palm fruit was allegedly carried out by the cooperative he leads, the Pelang Jaya Multipurpose Cooperative (KSUPJ) group on the land of Makin Group's subsidiary, PT Sawitindo.

The Director General of the Jambi Police, Kombes Kaswandi Irwan, said the alleged theft case occurred in Afdeling VI Kebun Taman Raja, Tungkal Ulu District, West Tanjungjabung Regency, Jambi Province. BA is accompanied by his legal representative when examined.

In this case, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 2, BA was listed as the head of the KSUPJ group. He was reported by the company for stealing oil palm fruit.

Previously, the Jambi Regional Police had detained three people who were cooperative management and were named suspects.

The three of them are A as the Deputy Chair of the Pelang Jaya Multipurpose Cooperative (KSUPJ), S as the secretary of the cooperative and M as the treasurer of the cooperative.

The loss calculated by the company is estimated to be around IDR 200 million more than their actions.