Sentral Mitra Informatika Remains Committed To Distributing Dividends To Its Shareholders

JAKARTA - An issuer engaged in the printing and document solutions business as well as the sale of information technology products, PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk announced that the company's Board of Commissioners and Directors have agreed to distribute dividends for the 2019 financial year amounting to IDR 5 per share. The dividend will be paid on 10 June 2020 to shareholders whose names are registered on 19 May 2020.

Central Corporate Secretary of Mitra Informatika, Teddy Pohan, said that the company coded LUCK shares believes that dividends are an important mechanism, not only as a token of appreciation for the company's shareholders, but also to increase the company's value for shareholders.

As disclosed in the Company's Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2019, the company's financial performance throughout the 2019 period showed a significant increase.

This can be seen from the company's sales growth which has increased by 30 percent, from the previous Rp102 billion in 2018 to Rp133.6 billion in 2019.

"Meanwhile, the company's net profit also increased significantly to Rp7 billion, an achievement that grew 307 percent compared to the previous period's profit," Teddy said in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, May 6.

The company's equity has also increased from Rp127 billion in 2018 to Rp134.1 billion in 2019. The company's cash flow is positive and the current ratio is 201.9 percent, so the company has very well maintained liquidity.

The financial performance for the 2019 financial year also shows that the company is in healthy condition with maintained liquidity so that it can maintain the company's going concern.

In addition, the company is also optimistic about the performance prospects in 2020. This can be seen from the sales performance and net profit which experienced a significant increase in the first quarter of 2020.

"The plague that hit has made online activities and the demand for social distancing supporting technology higher, this condition makes the company resistant to the risk of the COVID-19 outbreak crisis," he explained.

The company, he continued, will continue to make improvements through automation and operating system efficiency in adapting to the business environment during times of disaster. Thus, after the epidemic is over, it is hoped that the company's performance will continue to increase.