Sri Mulyani Claims, Social Assistance Distributed 100 Percent In Jabodetabek This Week
JAKARTA - The corona virus pandemic or COVID-19, which is increasingly widespread, has weakened Indonesia's economy. Another negative impact is the increase in unemployment and poverty during this pandemic. In the midst of this difficult time, social assistance is helping the community to survive.
The Ministry of Finance revealed that the distribution of social assistance in the form of basic necessities will be distributed through PT Pos Indonesia and also collaborating with online motorcycle taxis. This is done by the government because currently online motorcycle taxi revenues have decreased due to the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and work from home or working from home.
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati ensured that the coverage of social assistance distribution, which had stalled at the beginning, would be maximized to 100 percent for all Jabodetabek before Eid or Eid.
"In this situation the President has conveyed that it is hoped that in this week before Lebaran 100 percent has been delivered. So currently a massive allocation is being made, especially for Jabodetabek because of the ban on going home," he said, in a virtual work meeting. with Commission XI, Wednesday, May 6.
Meanwhile, special social assistance to the people of DKI Jakarta in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic will be fully borne by the central government through the national revenue and expenditure budget (APBN).
Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan had discussed that there would be assistance worth IDR 1 million per month per family in DKI Jakarta, especially for the poor and vulnerable to poverty.
Sri Mulyani stated that out of the 3.7 million families that are said to be receiving this assistance, 1.1 million of them will be borne by the DKI Provincial Government through the regional income and expenditure budget (APBD).
"We received a report from the Coordinating Ministry for PMK that it turned out that DKI was originally going to cover 1.1 million citizens, they did not have the budget and asked the central government to cover 1.1 million," he said.
This basic food aid in Jabodetabek, said Sri Mulyani, may cause bad news, especially in the first week of distribution. He said this was because in the first week, less than 10 percent was allocated due to preparation and logistics.
However, Sri continued, currently the final government data obtained from the Ministry of Social Affairs has reached close to 80 percent.
"This means that it is evenly distributed and if it is true that those from DKI will also be covered by the central government, then there must be more to cover," he said.