PRD Management Declares New Party, People's Party For Adil Makmur 'The Party Of Ordinary People'

JAKARTA - A number of Central Executives of the People's Democratic Party (PRD) declared a new party called the Prosperous People's Party (PRIMA). The declaration was held at the Usmar Ismail Film Center building, Jakarta, Tuesday, to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of Pancasila.

PRIMA's declarator, Agus Jabo Priyono, who last year was still listed as the general chairman of the PRD, said the new party offered a political vision of welfare to represent small and marginalized groups of people.

“PRIMA, the party of ordinary people, was born in the midst of the violent vortex of the nation's life, both because of the pandemic, economic problems that are getting further away from the principles of humanity and justice, the acute polarization of national life, and the loss of big ideas to build a just life. safe and peaceful," said Agus Jabo, who introduced himself as the general chairman of PRIMA, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 1.

Regarding the nation's various problems, Agus Jabo said PRIMA offered at least a number of work programs.

First, PRIMA will fight for tax reform in Indonesia to make it more equitable. Second, PRIMA will encourage the government to use resources for the prosperity of the people, explained Agus Jabo when delivering his political speech.

In addition, PRIMA will also encourage the independence of the national industry, the development of a modern agricultural sector, and the strengthening of small, micro, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives.

"Third, making Indonesia a developed country that is strong and independent, both economically, politically, and socio-culturally with a participatory democratic system, clean government, with superior, equal resources, and is no longer a follower for other countries. , he added.

Lastly, PRIMA also wants Indonesia to be an active country in maintaining world peace.

Therefore, Agus Jabo, who used to be an activist against the New Order, asked for the support of all Indonesians to realize the party's work programs, especially during the 2024 general election.

"The people can win PRIMA to make changes," said Agus.

Information from the official website explains that PRIMA was founded on July 20, 2020, initiated by the PRD together with a number of social movements, labor unions, Islamic activists/leaders, small and medium-sized businesses, professionals, women's activists, and young people.

According to the same page, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia has ratified PRIMA as a political party at the end of 2020.

On the website, PRIMA said that it carried national, religious, and populist values as the basis for the party's vision and mission.

The following is the composition of the PRIMA management for the 2020-2025 period:

Chairman of the Party Advisory Council (MPP) - R Gautama Wiranegara;

General Chairman - Agus Jabo Priyono;

Secretary General - Dominggus Oktavianus Kiik;

General Treasurer - Diena Charolin Mondong;

Deputy General Chairmen - Alif Kamal, Maaruf Asli Bhakti, Wahida Baharuddin Upa;

Deputy Secretary General - Rini Hartono, Surya;

Deputy General Treasurer - Minaria Christyn Simarmata, Kelik Ismunanto;

Spokesperson - Farhan Abdillah Dalimunthe, Rintis Yulianah, Samsudin Saman, Fentia Budiman, Arkialos Baho, Intan Nurbakti, Mesak Habary.