Tomorrow Public Transportation Will Be Relaxed, Homecoming Will Remain Prohibited

JAKARTA - The government has reopened all public transportation services, including land, sea and air, starting tomorrow, May 7, 2020. The transportation allowance applies in areas with the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), which previously stopped operating.

This policy is contained in the Circular of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19 Number 4 of 2020 concerning Criteria for Restricting People in the Context of Accelerating Handling of COVID-19.

Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo said this policy was carried out when the government was prohibiting citizens from going home. However, the easing of public transportation is not for travelers. Homecoming activities are still prohibited.

"I emphasize that there is no change in regulations regarding going home. That means going home is prohibited. Period!" said Doni in a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, May 6.

He said, it is necessary to emphasize the ban on going home. This is because there is an impression that the public is allowed to go home when the restrictions are violated by reopening transportation transportation.

In fact, the purpose of opening transportation mode services is to maintain the economy of the community, as well as to maintain the smooth distribution of logistics. This is because restrictions on transportation mobility often disrupt the smooth running of the economy and logistics.

"The circular that we have published is motivated by a number of problems that have occurred in several regions," he said.

Allowed parties

Doni explained that several parties were allowed to use services including health, defense and security services, economic function services, emergency medical trips for seriously ill or dead patients, as well as the immediate family of accompanying patients.

Then, Indonesian citizens returning from abroad, such as students, migrant workers, and ship crews (ABK) are allowed to use transportation services.

"Likewise, basic needs and basic service support services are also experiencing obstacles, namely the supply chain for food needs, especially agricultural products, livestock and fisheries," explained Doni.

In addition, government officials such as the State Civil Service, TNI, Polri, BUMN employees, business institutions, entrepreneurs, and non-governmental organizations are allowed to use, as long as their activities are still related to handling COVID-19.


Public or private agency workers who want to use public transportation travel services are required to have several conditions, namely showing a letter of assignment, showing a negative result of COVID-19 based on a PCR test or a rapid test.

For those who do not represent the institution, must make a signed statement on the material and be known by the head of the village or the local head of the region, show their identity, and report their planned travel activities.

"Then, people who get this exemption are obliged to obtain a health certificate from a doctor or hospital. This means that those who travel must be in good health and their return must remain healthy," said Doni.

For patients and their immediate family who are seriously ill or have died, they must carry requirements in the form of personal identity, hospital referral letter, death certificate, and show negative COVID-19 results.

Indonesian citizens returning from abroad are required to show their identity, a certificate from the Indonesian representative abroad, a certificate from a university or school, and show a negative result of COVID-19.

"All of these activities must comply with strict health protocols, use masks, always maintain distance, maintain hand hygiene, and do not touch certain parts of the face such as the eyes, nose and mouth," concluded Doni.