Beautify The Appearance Of Balinese Arak, Bali Provincial Government Holds Traditional Beverage Packaging Design Competition

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government of Bali held a packaging design competition for traditional Balinese arak drinks. The competition with the theme "Beautiful Packaging Design Reflect the Balinese Culture" aims to explore packaging techniques for processed food as a way to improve the image of the resulting product.

"Bali is a tourist destination that has an impact on the economy of the community, one of which is arak craftsmen. Balinese arak drink products can be used as souvenirs/souvenirs/welcome drinks at hotels," said Head of the Bali Provincial Industry and Trade Office, I Wayan Jarta in Denpasar, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, June 1.

This competition is in line with efforts to develop culture-based small and medium-sized industries.

"This is also in accordance with Governor Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning Governance of Balinese Fermented and/or Distilled Drinks," said Head of the Bali Province Industry and Trade Office I Wayan Jarta in Denpasar, Tuesday.

In addition, this activity is also in accordance with the direction of the Governor of Bali to accelerate the development of a food processing industry based on Balinese branding culture (arrack, brem, juice, coffee, cocoa, salt, etc.) for domestic needs, fulfillment of the domestic market and export market.

The provisions for the competition, which started on Monday (31/5), include the packaging design for traditional Balinese arak drinks, which are used for wine made from coconut sap, palm sap, and palm sap. Packaging design works using environmentally friendly materials, using Balinese script brands, characterizing the values of local wisdom and Balinese culture.

This competition was attended by participants who came from various circles, such as the community, students and IKM. After going through various rigorous selections, three participants were selected to take part in the next judging and determine the 1,2 and 3 place winners, namely I Made Sadnyana, I Wayan Parwata and Made Januarta.

"These three participants will take part in the next assessment to fight for the 1,2 and 3 place winners," said Jarta.