Germany Begins To Open Art Galleries And Botanical Gardens Museum After Lockdown

JAKARTA - Germany began to reopen their public facilities, such as museums, galleries and botanical gardens, on May 5. The news came when Germans were getting used to the mandatory wearing of masks, phishycal distancing and ordering food online.

For example, the Berlin Botanical Gardens, as reported by The Guardian, one of the green open spaces most loved by residents reopened its gates yesterday. The opening of the gates is greeted by flowers blooming right in May.

Germany's six-week lockdown policy has restricted many city residents from living in their apartments. And today they are allowed to visit public places that have reopened, but still have to practice physical distancing.

However, visitors to the Berlin Botanical Gardens are still limited. The number of visitors cannot be more than 1,000 people at a time. In addition, the greenhouse will still be closed because it will be difficult to maintain the application of physical distancing.

Petra Scharf, a regular visitor to the botanical garden, said that he was looking forward to the reopening of the Berlin Botanical Gardens. The Guardian contacted him after he made a visit there. Scharf admits that she maintains a safe distance from friends who accompany her to the place.

Apart from the botanical gardens, another public facility that has started to reopen today is the Barberini Art Gallery Museum in Potsdam. Due to the lockdown of the Monet landscape painting exhibition there, it was delayed.

The museum said it had prepared permanent protection and hygiene procedures such as wearing masks, physical distancing and limiting the number of visitors. Meanwhile, visitors must book online in advance to be able to enjoy the exhibitions at Barberini. Visits are only allowed a maximum of two hours.

"We are very pleased to finally be able to make the museum accessible again," said Director Barberini Ortrud Westheider. "We are also aware of our responsibilities towards our guests and employees."

In addition, commercial galleries across Germany are starting to reopen. State museums such as the Pergamon, Alte Nationagalerie and Gemalde Galerie as well as various research institutes and libraries will reopen on May 12.

The procedure is the same, visitors are required to book a visit through the site of each place. Meanwhile, for those who haven't had the chance to come, digital guided tours are still provided.