Corona Is Going Crazy In West Java, Ridwan Kamil: Alert 1 Case Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil said the West Java Province was on alert for COVID-19 related to the increase in cases of the corona virus. This is due to Lebaran 2021 homecoming activities such as an increase in the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) or the occupancy of the treatment room for COVID-19 patients at hospitals in the West Java region.

"In Standby 1, first there is an increase in BOR, usually it goes down. This week it rose by eight percent from 30.6 to 38.2 percent. The increase in BOR size if it reaches 10 percent there is a spike," said Kang Emil after the Coordination Meeting on COVID-19 Handling at Makodam III Siliwangi, Bandung City, reported by Antara, Monday, May 31.

Kang Emil said the increase in COVID-19 cases was the impact of the 2021 Lebaran holiday and the presence of residents who carried out homecoming despite the prohibition on going home.

"Because of the Lebaran holidays and the leaking homecoming that we have tried. Hopefully it will be a lesson. What are we trying to do to avoid this," he said.

According to him, based on the data received by his office, it was known that a number of hospitals in West Java were full again so that his party asked the hospital management to immediately convert the public treatment rooms for COVID-19 patients.

"Then there are several hospitals that are already within the threshold. Al Ihsan Hospital, Immanuel Hospital, Santosa Hospital already has 70 percent, 80 percent, some 90 percent. And I have corrected it, if there is 70 percent please immediately allocate it. a room for general nurses for COVID-19 disease," he said.

In addition, Kang Emil also requested that three regions, namely Cianjur, Bogor and Garut Regencies, be more vigilant because the increase in COVID-19 cases is high while the recovery rate is low.

"I remind the team at the Cianjur, Bogor and Garut Task Forces to pay attention to why the cases are high and the recovery is low. Is the transmission less anticipated or the medicine is also not optimal so that the recovery takes a long time," he said.