Dozens Of Residents Of Flats In Surabaya Positive For COVID-19 Mass Swab Results

SURABAYA - As many as 50 residents of 18 flats (rusun) in Surabaya were positive for COVID-19. They tested positive for COVID-19 from the results of a mass swab test conducted by the Surabaya City Government.

"The mass swab was carried out because initially two positive COVID-19 patients were found in the Penjaringan Sari Flat. Then we did the swab, it turned out that there were 12 positive people too. Then we swab 18 flats, there are around 50 positive ones," said the Head of the Health Service ( Health Office) Surabaya, Febria Racmhanita, in Surabaya, Monday, May 31.

Of the 18 flats belonging to the Surabaya City Government, there are as many as 10,240 residents who have been swab tested. Of the 50 people who were positive, most were residents of the Penjaringan Sari flat, Rungkut.

"They said that they only came back for about 4 days or 5 days before they arrived in Surabaya. So when we swab the fifth day they just arrived," he said.

This mass swab test is targeted to be completed this week. The swab test itself was carried out after it was found that 12 residents of the Penjaringan Sari Flat, Rungkut, were positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, from the results of the swab test carried out at the Penjaringan Sari Flat, there were 25 residents who were positive for COVID-19 and are currently isolated in the Hajj Dormitory.

"About 25 people have been isolated in the Hajj Dormitory. But many have gone home. After two days there, they were given medicine and vitamins, their swab results were negative," continued Febria.

Of the dozens of residents whose test results were positive for COVID-19, said Febria, their average age was still productive and did not experience any symptoms. From the results of the swab test, no new COVID-19 virus mutations were found.

"On average they are of productive age and they are asymptomatic, and on average they don't want to be vaccinated," he said.

In addition, after the COVID-19 case was found in the Penjaringan Flat, the Surabaya City Government carried out sterilization by spraying disinfectant.

"It has been done by PMK, has been sterilized, in the morning when they are active," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, added that there were around 12,000 residents in 18 flats in Surabaya. While the newly vaccinated reached 10,240 residents.

"The municipal government will look for the remaining residents who have not been tested for swab, for the sake of tracing," said Febri.