The Driver's Heroic Action Thwarts The Armed Robber Plan

JAKARTA - The robbers whose action went viral on social media yesterday are still being hunted by the police. They managed to escape, although the robbery was thwarted.

The failure of the robbery was thanks to a young man named Lilo (20). He is the driver of Ida Rosida who is a victim of a robbery.

It started when Lilo and Ida left a bank after withdrawing some money. On the way, their car pulled over to buy perfume.

Ida got out of the car, while Lilo remained in his position.

They were not aware, four robbers followed during the trip on motorbikes.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Mertro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that Lilo, who was in the driver's seat, did not react when a perpetrator tried to approach the car.

However, when the perpetrator broke the windshield and took the bag belonging to his employer which contained about Rp80 million in cash, the young man immediately came out and chased the perpetrator.

The perpetrator was beaten by Lilo several times. The local residents who saw it helped Lilo.

"The perpetrator was chased by the victim's driver and beaten by the local community who helped him," said Yusri in his statement, Wednesday, May 6.

Lilo tries to reclaim her employer's bag. However, the perpetrator continued to hug the bag while trying to save himself.

Unfortunately, the perpetrator managed to escape after being helped by his colleague. They fled.

Kapolsek Sawangan, Depok, Kompol Prasetyo added, the perpetrator managed to escape because one of them pointed a gun at the residents and Lilo. Thus, the community was afraid and refrained from arresting them.

"The perpetrator carried a firearm and pointed it at the community so that the perpetrator could escape," said Prasetyo.

Even though they managed to escape, the perpetrators did not succeed in bringing the tens of millions of money. Because when they fled, the bag filled with it opened and the money scattered into the street.

The amount of money scattered on the streets and successfully collected amounted to Rp. 77.2 million. In addition, from the results of the interim investigation, the weapons used by the perpetrators to act and scare them were not firearms.

"The weapon used was an airsoft gun. The money that the perpetrators managed to bring was only around Rp. 2 million," said Prasetyo.