15 Years Of Lapindo Mud Still Leave Deep Wounds For Sidoarjo Residents

SURABAYA - The Lapindo mudflow a dozen years ago still leaves deep wounds for the surrounding community. The disaster that occurred on May 29, 2006 has been happening for 15 years.

The Head of Small Bergerak Indonesia, Dandy Glen, said that although it had been 15 years since the disaster had passed, many local people had been harmed by the incident.

"It's not enough to mess around with land compensation, residents are still battered by the impact on the environment," said Dandy in a written statement, Monday, May 31.

Dandy explained that Polo Gunting Hamlet and Gempol Sari Village were one of the affected areas. The villagers had to go through years of living in misery. Until now, the villagers live with salt water that is not fit for use.

According to Dandy, residents have taken various ways to voice Lapindo's problems, but there has never been any follow up. Therefore, Dandy together with local residents held an activity entitled "Babak Battered in the City of Mud".

This activity is a 'celebration' of how devastated the people who live in the midst of the disaster in the Porong area, Sidoarjo are.

Dandy said residents must bear the impact of mining extractive practices themselves. As a result, the life and future of the local community is full of uncertainty.

"In this celebration, we don't just give criticism, but make small real solutions for the benefit of local residents," he said.

Dandy and a number of his colleagues prepared assistance in the form of clean water for residents affected by Lapindo. Every week, they always send clean water so that the community can use it in their daily lives.

"We will send the water supply once a week to the water reservoirs that we have prepared," he said.

A burst of mud mixed with gas occurred in a rice field area in Siring Village, Porong District, Sidoarjo, on May 29, 2006 ago. The location of the burst is about 200 meters from the Banjar Panji 1 well in Renokenongo Village.

Although it has been closed after the leak, it has not fully managed to overcome the problem. Until now there is still a mudflow that does not stop, although with a smaller volume.