Pak Kades In Banyuwangi Detained For Corruption Community BLT

BANYUWANGI - The Banyuwangi District Attorney is investigating a case of alleged corruption in Tegalharjo Village, Glenmore District.

The village head of Tegalharjo with the initials M was named a suspect and detained at the Class IIA Banyuwangi Correctional Institution (Lapas).

"It is true that the suspect has been identified. Currently, the suspect has been entrusted to the prison," said Head of Intelligence at the Banyuwangi Kejari, Eddy Wijayanto at the Banyuwangi Kejari, Monday, May 31.

In this case investigators found that there was a state financial loss of Rp. 1.4 billion.

The suspect is suspected of misappropriating the "Kanggo Riko" program budget and direct cash assistance (BLT) from the village income and expenditure budget (PBDes).

Another mode used is the village treasury land (TKD) is leased to another party which should be deposited into the village treasury but is used for personal interests with a value of Rp529 million.

Allegations of corruption are suspected to have been carried out from 2018 to 2020. This case was revealed after a number of residents reported allegations of misappropriation of the "Kanggo Riko" program budget launched by the Banyuwangi Regency Government.