Sri Mulyani Relieved

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani expressed her relief over the control of COVID-19 cases after Ramadan and Idul Fitri 2021. The reason is that the tendency to increase usually occurs during the momentum of big holidays or long holidays.

"We are all grateful that based on daily monitoring of cases of COVID-19 after Eid al-Fitr, it shows that it is quite under control. Hopefully it can continue to be under control," he said when giving the government's response to the views of the DPR faction on the 2022 RAPBN at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta.

According to the Minister of Finance, the conducive situation cannot be separated from the government's recommendation to ban going home and the community's compliance with health protocols.

"The government hopes that anticipatory steps and public awareness to continue to apply health discipline will be able to reduce the potential for increasing daily cases of COVID-19 which usually occurs after a long holiday," he said.

Based on data quoted from the official portal for handling the pandemic in Indonesia, namely, the average daily case during Ramadan and Eid is maintained in the range of 4,000 to 5,000 per 24 hours.

This situation is much better than the conditions at the end of 2020 when it was going through the momentum of the new year with an average daily case reaching 10,000 to 12,000 cases every day.

The government itself in the 2021 APBN continues to prioritize the health sector as the main focus of using funds.

In the national economic recovery budget (PEN) 2021, the state allocates a health sector budget of IDR 176.3 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization until April 16 was recorded at Rp. 18.5 trillion.

Meanwhile, this year's PEN budget totals Rp. 669.43 trillion, which is distributed to several other strategic sectors, such as support for MSMEs and cooperatives of Rp. 184.8 trillion, priority programs of Rp. 122.4 trillion, incentives to the business world of Rp. 58.4 trillion, and social protection of Rp. 157. ,4 trillion.