The Polemic Of Puan And Ganjar: The Politics Of Fountains, Struggle Closer, After That What Is Far Is Priority

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) revealed another reason for the absence of the Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the opening of the Marhaen Essay Photo Exhibition and Photos of Cultural Heritage Buildings attended by DPR Speaker Puan Maharani at the Central Java PDIP DPD office, Semarang, Saturday night, 22 last May.

Initially, the Chairman of the PDIP DPP and Central Java PDIP DPD chairman Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul, said that Ganjar was too ambitious to want to run for president.

PDIP politician Effendi Simbolon revealed that Bambang Pacul's statement was not a personal one, but a party vote.

"What the party said was not Bambang Pacul, it's part of the cause and effect," said Effendi in a Chrosscheck discussion entitled Puan Envy or Ganjar Not Knowing Yourself online, Sunday, May 30.

According to Effendi, Ganjar has been monitored by the party for a long time. The governor of Central Java for two terms was considered 'self-absorbed' without regard to the party elements that had helped him win. Apparently Ganjar is also considered less 'attention' to the party.

"It took a long time, so the accumulation of parties saw things that were more assessment or internal how Ganjar was more preoccupied with himself. So we-we are part of the cadres who are not like sheep who walk alone," said the former member of the DPR.

In fact, he said, it has been 2-3 years since Ganjar has been more prominent in his image without paying attention to the internal parties that have supported him. Effendi said Ganjar was like a Fountain's Politics, where the water splashed far away but there was nothing underneath.

"The lack of empathy for laughing with the people, who is often echoed by Mrs. Ketum, doesn't feel like a fountain that hits far away. Who sweats, who gets hit by the water," said Effendi.

As is known, he continued, that the largest contribution of PDIP votes came from Central Java. In fact, the majority of PDIP regional heads are in Central Java. So the party took a stand and a warning not to include Ganjar in the 3 Pillar event in Semarang.

"Yes, it's more about how they lack empathy, touch, so what (Bambang Pacul, ed) conveyed, yes, of course I think it's a long accumulation, even more than 2-3 years," he explained.

Touching on the issue of Ganjar not paying attention to whom, the people or internally, Effendi said that he was not close to the internal PDIP.

"Special delegates are given to cadres, not just administrators. I didn't come to Senayan because of me, they looked at the party and then chose who the chairman was. That's a factor in choosing people, why don't we contribute more to those who made us?," he explained

"Yes, don't just show it on social media," said Effendi.

Joman: Rewards can be seen, can be felt

The chairman of Jokowi Mania (Joman) Immanuel Ebenezer supports Ganjar Pranowo to run as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

According to him, the results of Ganjar's work for two periods can be seen and felt by the public. Regardless, despite the recent polemic with the PDIP.

"There is something that is trending in society today that the figure of Ganjar is a person who can be seen and can be felt. First, see his work, and feel the results of his work. This is our consideration to support Ganjar in 2024," said Immanuel in the same discussion.

The man who is familiarly called Noel admits that the 'Fountain Politics' mentioned by PDIP politician, Effendi Simbolon, cannot be denied. Where, a figure who has been supported like can not return the favor.

"Indeed, today's trend is for politicians, leaders, to use the fountain pattern method. Struggling close together, after that, people from far away are prioritized. That's very true," said Noel.

"But I don't want to be stuck with an internal party conflict. After all, the name is a factionalization party, whether the accumulation that has occurred in Central Java is internal to the PDIP," he added.

Questioning Ganjar's lack of empathy for banteng cadres in Central Java, Noel said that of course the one who understands better is the PDIP itself. The public, he said, only knew that so far Ganjar's performance could be felt in the field.

"If that's the case, only PDIP understands. But the fact that we see today, we cross-check in the field that Ganjar is a figure that can be seen and can be felt with the results of his work," explained Noel.

"Then there is Puan criticizing that a good leader must be in the field, not on social media. Social media is a means to convey, promote her more actual work. It means that she tries to blast it on her social media to make it easier. If I think that's a tone based on political cynicism. This is very dangerous," he added.

Noel also suggested that those who don't like Ganjar's political style should always publish their work through social media, so that they are smarter in capturing messages.

"So don't be literate on social media and then we bully, that's not fair. Don't because of our stupidity and then we say the person is stupid, that's not good either. Today many politicians in Indonesia have an old culture that conveys their political programs and work through mainstream media. Today there is another new facility," he reminded.

Noel then mentioned that PDIP might be traumatized by the leader who practices the 'Fountain' political practice. Where the PDIP was initially carried as a political vehicle, then after winning it was abandoned.

"I see this as a message of political pressure to convey to Ganjar that the politics of fountains is over. If you want to be a leader, don't follow this pattern later. I see a kind of traumatic past that is felt by PDIP because almost all of the people who were champions of PDIP it's not (attention, red)," said Noel.

Differences in the Image of Ganjar and Puan on Social Media

Still in the same discussion, UIN political observer Syarif Hidayatullah Adi Prayitno said that there were two political facts that the public could capture regarding the polemic of the uninvitation of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the PDIP event in Semarang, Saturday, May 22.

First, Ganjar is judged by the Chairman of the Central Java PDIP DPD, Bambang Wuryanto, to be too ambitious to become a presidential candidate. Second, Ganjar is considered a 'peanut forgetting the skin with a fountain politics' by PDIP politician Effendi Simbolon.

Then, the public speculated and linked it to the 2024 presidential election. Added to this was the insinuation of the PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani who said the leader was only active in social media.

"Like it or not, this confirms that Puan wants to show her super power as an important member of the DPP, which is then translated by Bambang Pacul that Ganjar is more active in social media, thinks about the presidential election and doesn't think about other things," said Adi.

"That is what was arrested as if the attack was carried out openly was closely related to Ganjar Pranowo dancing beautifully amidst the drumming of social media which was going viral," he continued.

According to Adi, Ganjar certainly enjoyed it a lot in the beginning but when he was on the PDI-P slide, one or two days Ganjar's social media stopped throbbing.

"His Twitter, his IG no more narcissism and such. That's a political fact," he said.

Adi said that the political narrative conveyed by Effendi Simbolon about the politics of the Fountain must become mainstream so that the public stops issuing head to head between Ganjar and Puan.

"Ganjar is offside, he is considered too aggressive in the midst of party cadres thinking about how to think about the pandemic. Ganjar has spread too many narratives towards the presidential election in 2024. And what Effendi said about peanuts forgetting their skins, not being invited, etc. normal in the party," said Adi.

"But what we catch is that it seems as if there is an impression that dreaming of becoming president in PDIP before there is an official fatsun from the general chairman is prohibited, it's not allowed. That then illustrates, what is wrong with party cadres, whether from regional heads or members of the council. be a presidential candidate in 2024?," he added.

Adi considered that PDIP had its own rationale for why Ganjar was "locked up", and so he wouldn't be too aggressive. However, the question is, is it only Ganjar, a cadre who is considered ambitious to become a presidential candidate?

"So don't blame peanuts for forgetting their skins, or just only for Ganjar. This then doesn't stop public speculation and then a diagram about electability and popularity appears and compares. Now if there is additional data on PDIP politicians, about regional heads who forget their skins. will definitely stop talking about the 2024 presidential election," said Adi.

The executive director of the Indonesian Political Parameter (PPI) then opened his institution's open survey data last February. As a result, Ganjar and Puan's popularity is almost the same in the range of 60-62 percent.

"But indeed there is a considerable disparity in electability, Ganjar is indeed superior to Puan. But it's like this, Ganjar only excels in 3 areas, almost the majority of PDIP Central Java voters. A little in East Java and West Java. The rest is not. This is what Then it becomes a bit funny and needs to be an evaluation material for PDIP, especially Puan, who has inherited Bung Karno's political ideology," he explained.

Adi also explained the reason why Ganjar is better known as a populist figure by the public than Puan. Namely, none other than because of the social media factor.

"Ganjar is considered to be represented by a small person, populist, humble, maybe the public sees it on social media. For example, Puan criticizes a little about West Sumatra, then turns off the mic when someone interrupts, now that's more prominent, not what has been done especially become the leader of the House of Representatives," he explained.

Therefore, Adi believes that Puan should also be more aggressive in her image on social media. Moreover, his position as chairman of the DPR RI.

"Today's politics must have an image. Jokowi also being president cannot be separated from imagery, that is something that cannot be released. It means that imagery is okay, but the feet do have to touch the ground. That is the substance. Where PDIP always represents the little people party. This is a turning point that is quite important feedback for PDIP cadres," he concluded.

"As long as only Ganjar is selected as a fountain politician, during that time this will also be linked to the ticket for the presidential election to 2024," Adi emphasized.