26 Residents In Central Kalimantan Were Poisoned After Eating Catfish At A Wedding Reception, Now Being Treated

KALIMANTAN - A total of 26 residents of Baruyan Village, Raren Batuah District, East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, are suspected of having been poisoned after eating food at a local wedding reception.

"On average they experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting after eating the food served," said Village Head Baruyan Yandi when contacted by Antara, Sunday, May 30.

On average, residents experienced symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness and were rushed to the Ampah Health Center, Dusun Tengah District. Until now the victim is still undergoing treatment.

Due to this incident, Yandi has not been able to determine what content or substances are contained in the food that causes the residents to experience symptoms of poisoning.

"We need a laboratory test and we will leave the investigation to the police," said Yandi.

The Head of Dusun Tengah Police, Iptu Nurheryanto Hidayat, said a total of 26 people received health care at the Ampah Health Center.

"The types of food available at the wedding reception are rice soup, soto, gado-gado and red cooking. Residents who experience symptoms of poisoning usually consume red cooked catfish," said Nurheryanto.

The Dusun Tengah Police are now investigating the alleged food poisoning which caused the residents of Baruyan Village to become ill.

Residents receiving treatment at the Ampah Health Center include Triyanti (61), Hesti Hastia (9), Blen Ariando (6), Nata Anugrahno (5), Vita Meloni (18), Erbalena (29), Badarudin (28), M Wildan (7), M Arno (7), M Nor akbar (9), Purniati (45), Purna (29), Rusdi (45), Lianto (48), Mail (7), and Sadri.

Information about mass poisoning allegedly caused by eating at a wedding party of one of the residents in RT 03 Baruyan Village, Raren Batuah District, on Sunday at around 15.00 WIB.

Residents were picked up and escorted to the Ampah City Health Center in an ambulance from the Ampah Health Center, an ambulance from the Raren Batuah Health Center and the Sabilal Mujahidin Ampah Volunteer.

According to the information from the victims who were poisoned, they admitted that they were present and ate the red cooked catfish.

"We will continue to monitor the latest developments in coordination with the Ampah Health Center," said Nurheryanto.