Ahead Of Bung Karno's Month, Megawati Instructs Her Cadres To Get Closer To Residents: I Have Been Sleeping With Ticks

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri instructed all party cadres to come down directly to pay special attention to the village community. Mainly, the problem of stunting.

Megawati said this was entering the Bung Karno month which will begin on Tuesday, June 1.

"The theme of Bung Karno's Month that I set is 'Unity in Diversity. Mutual cooperation for the people, developed villages, strong and sovereign Indonesia. Please run it as well as possible," Megawati said during the virtual inauguration of 25 new PDIP offices, Sunday , May 30.

Megawati wants party officials to get closer to the villagers in order to explore the problems they are facing.

Megawati also motivated the cadres by telling her story when she was still a candidate for DPR member who had to enter rural areas in Central Java.

He admitted that he had the experience of staying in a house belonging to the local lurah, and sleeping with fleas living on the bamboo bed of his bed.

"I've never been like that, you have to fight more, more, harder," said Megawati.

In particular, Megawati asked the cadres to pay attention to one main problem in the country. Namely the problem of stunting or malnutrition.

Megawati admitted that it was very sad when Indonesia was independent, but there were still many Indonesian children who were malnourished.

"There are still many stunted children, what's wrong with us? Why are there still many children who are anemic due to lack of nutrition? Can mothers not touch their hearts?" Megawati said.

For example, continued the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, there is a land area of 500 square meters which contains residents who live in beds. Most work and sleep in carts with their children. This finding was immediately discussed with President Jokowi.

"I talked to Mr. Jokowi, how do you actually look for food in big cities? So later in Bung Karno month, we will build starting from the village. Get ready, local administrators," said Megawati.

"Imagine how the future of their children will be? Nutrition alone does not meet the requirements, not yet education," he continued.

According to Megawati, building a community must be met with clothing, food, and housing. "But if we build the whole thing, it is health and education. That's actually our main task," he explained.

"If the area is poor, do we want to be silent? Think why poverty occurs. China issued a poverty statement there is already 0 percent. They even dare to say that. A country with a population of 1.5 billion. We only have 270 million people, Can't build this country? Enthusiasm," said Megawati.

To that end, Megawati asked the bull cadres to be more serious in carrying out Bung Karno's Monthly assignment to go down to the village directly. He even admitted that he would continue to monitor the daily reports from Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the progress of activities throughout Indonesia.

"I'm the general chairman, not because of covid, so I just sleep, so I just autopilot this party. No. I always call the secretary general every day. I also call him on Sunday if necessary. To continue to see what our party is doing. Which one is lacking? , is renewed. Which one works, is encouraged. So we must continue to imagine for the progress of the people, "said Megawati.