CLBK Gerindra-PDIP To Duet Prabowo-Puan In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) seem to be re-knitting relations to form a coalition in the 2024 presidential election.

Repeating the nomination of the two general leaders, Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo Subianto (Mega-Pro), now it is the turn of the princess, Puan Maharani, who will be nominated by the defense minister.

So, is it true that the old love will blossom again (CLBK) in 2024?

Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Gerindra Party DPP Ahmad Muzani said his party opened up the possibility of Prabowo Subianto being paired with PDIP cadres. The reason is that the two party leaders have a good relationship.

"Our good relationship with PDIP, Pak Prabowo's good relationship with Megawati, I think all of you already know, since he has not been appointed as Minister of Defense," said Muzani in Jakarta, Thursday, May 27.

"And until now the relationship is good, there are no problems and it is a possibility that there is an opportunity for Pak Prabowo to come forward with the PDIP," he added.

PDIP responded positively to the possibility of a coalition with the Gerindra Party in the 2024 presidential election.

"Mas Muzani's statement may be due to the close relationship between Pak Prabowo and Megawati," said PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Friday, May 28.

"Because apart from the ideological aspect, the factor of cultural proximity, organizational proximity, proximity to the mass base, proximity from the strategic aspect to expand the mass base will also be considered," added Hasto.

In addition to the Gerindra Party, Hasto Kristiyanto said the PDI-P is also open to forming a coalition with a number of parties. Among others, the National Mandate Party, the United Development Party, and the National Awakening Party.

"(Coalition with, red) Gerindra is open, PAN, moreover there is no Amien Rais, PPP, PKB," said Hasto.

Touching on the slate agreement between Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo Subianto, Hasto said it was no longer valid. So that the obligation to run a joint government no longer exists.

"The slate inscription is meant in the political context of Mr. Prabowo-Bu Mega, yes, the 2009 election is over," he said.

Hasto said the agreement was no longer valid. Because, PDIP lost at that time.

"So the conditions for running a joint government when we win the election are proven when we lose," he concluded.

NasDem Good Value, PKB Respect, PAN Shame

The chairman of the Nasdem Party DPP Willy Aditya, assessed that the presidential election coalition plan would be better if it was carried out early on. This is because the dynamics of each party are different in determining their presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"That is, it is not something impromptu. But it depends on the subjective readiness of each party," said Willy to reporters, Thursday, May 27.

Even NasDem, he said, is trying to open itself up to bring up the best sons and daughters within the party. However, the party created by Surya Paloh certainly needs friends to fulfill the requirements to nominate a candidate.

"Of course we have to work, openly recruiting, which has been using conventions and building coalitions. This must meet the requirements for submitting a candidate for vice president," he said.

Meanwhile, the National Awakening Party (PKB) respects Gerindra and the PDI-P who are planning to form a coalition in the 2024 presidential election.

"If you want it, go ahead, PKB respects it," said Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid at the DPR building, Friday, May 28.

Jazilul said, PKB did not close itself in coalition with Gerindra, PDIP or other parties. Because he said, building a nation cannot be done by one group alone.

"In principle, PKB is an inclusive party, and we are also based on the largest Islamic party in Indonesia. As long as the vision is the same, the direction is the same, of course PKB also hopes with PDIP, we hope with Gerindra, we hope with existing Islamic parties," he said.

According to him, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar has also opened communication with a number of party leaders. Among them are Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto, Golkar Party chairman Airlangga Hartarto, and PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu.

In fact, he continued, Muhaimin or Gus Ami had also met the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani.

"But all of these meetings have not been focused, as far as I know, they have not focused on certain agreements related to the coalition," Jazilul said.

However, Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno said that his party had not yet thought about the presidential election. Including the coalition with Gerindra-PDIP.

However, he said, PAN will be realistic looking at candidates who have high electability.

"We will be realistic about the conditions and electability in the future," he said via voice message, Thursday, May 27.

Gerindra-PDIP Coalition Locked

Director of Political Parameters Adi Prayitno assessed that there was a certain meaning in the statement of the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Gerindra Party DPP Ahmad Muzani locking the opportunity for the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, to be promoted by PDIP to run as a presidential candidate in 2024. According to Adi, as Prabowo's companion, PDIP will offered Puan Maharani to become a vice presidential candidate.

"Muzani's statement locks the certainty that PDIP and Gerindra will move forward together to carry Prabowo and Puan in the presidential election. This is a sign of PDIP-Gerindra CLBK or old love blossoming again after previously having had a fight," said Adi, May 28.

Adi views that the entry of Gerindra into the Jokowi-Maruf Amin government coalition is the beginning of efforts to build a coalition in 2024. So the public need not be surprised if the Prabowo-Puan duet is realized.

"In the future, the public is preparing to welcome the Prabowo-Puan pair in the presidential election. The road has begun to be paved from now on," he said.