Komnas PA Policies School Owners For Cases Of Child Sexual Violence, Schools Denied

JAKARTA - The National Commission (Komnas) for Child Protection visited the East Java Police Headquarters to report cases of alleged sexual violence, physical and verbal violence, and economic exploitation of dozens of children by one of the school owners in Batu City. Komnas PA Arist Merdeka Sirait immediately went down to report to the East Java Police in Surabaya accompanied by the Head of the Office for Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB) Batu City MD Furqon and three victims of sexual violence, Saturday. The city of Batu and East Java are proud of, but it turns out that it has extraordinary crimes that can injure and prevent children from growing and developing properly," Arist told reporters after making the report. for underprivileged children and orphans in Batu City. Meanwhile, the parties reported Arist is the owner of the SPI with the initials JE who is suspected of committing sexual, physical, verbal violence, and exploiting children. "It turns out that there are cases of sexual crimes committed by SPI owners. He committed sexual crimes against dozens of children during his schooling there between grades 1, 2, and 3 until the child graduated from school, still experiencing sexual crimes," he said.

Arist said that initially Komnas PA received a report a week ago from one of the victims.

Komnas PA also followed up on this report and collected other information from students and alumni spread across Indonesia, as a result, not only one or two people claimed to be victims of JE crime. "These students come from various regions, from poor families. who should be assisted so that they can achieve and so on. But, in fact they were exploited economically, sexually, and so on. Some were from Palu, West Kalimantan, Kudus, Blitar, East Kalimantan, and so on," he said. collected by Komnas PA, Arist also reported JE with three layers of articles. JE was policed on suspicion of sexual violence against children, physical and verbal violence against children, and exploitation of children. "He can be charged with three layers of articles, namely sexual violence Article 82 of Law 35 2014 and Law 17 of 2016 with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Even if it is proven to be repeated, it can be prosecuted ikebiri. Then economic exploitation can be in Article 81, physical violence in Article 80. This is a serious problem, not just an ordinary crime. This is extraordinary," he said.

The Head of SPI High School (SMA) Batu City Risna Amalia Ulfa said that her party was shocked by the news related to the practice of sexual violence, physical and verbal violence, and economic exploitation of her students. "We are also shocked and feel strange about the news. Because In fact, what was reported was not true at all," said Risna, quoted by Antara.

Risna explained that she did not know who submitted the reporting material related to this extraordinary crime, and the motives of the reporter. According to him, since he worked at the school, there has never been an incident that was alleged. "I have been at this school since it was founded in 2007. I have been the principal, and the dorm mother until now. there is," said Risna. Currently, Risna continued, her party is still trying to find out more about these serious allegations. He stated that there are parties who have bad intentions towards the school. "We are currently also trying to find out more about this. It seems that there are people who have bad intentions towards SPI," Risna claimed.