PAN Congress Entails The Resignation Of Hanafi Raif From The DPR And The Party

JAKARTA - Amien Rais' son, Hanafi Rais resigned from his position as chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction of the DPR RI and party officials. This resignation was conveyed through a letter signed on a stamp of Rp. 6,000.

"Together with this letter, I declare that I am resigning from the management of the 2020-2025 PAN DPP, from the Chairman of the PAN Faction of the DPR RI, and from members of the DPR RI from the 2019-2024 PAN Faction," said Hanafi in the letter signed on Tuesday, April 5.

In the letter, Hanafi seemed disappointed with the holding of the V PAN Congress in Kendari some time ago. Because, he considered that his party had missed the opportunity to improve the party's internal through the event because of the chaos that had occurred.

"I think PAN missed the above momentum to improve itself to be wiser in organization and attitude," he said.

The chairman of the DPW PAN West Sulawesi Asri Anas justified Hanafi's resignation through the letter.

"I have confirmed with Hanafi. It is true, he resigned as in the letter," said Asri when contacted.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno admitted that his party secretariat had not received the resignation letter. "I have not heard it and have not received a letter in circulation," he said.

If later Hanafi submits the resignation letter, Eddy ensures that there will be no problems. This is because the party always respects the decisions and attitudes taken by each cadre.

"We respect the attitude and decision of each PAN cadre in dedicating himself to the party and society both within the party structure and outside," he said.

After the Conflict after the PAN Congress

Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that Hanafi's resignation was clearly part of the conflict after the 5th PAN Congress in Kendari. He considered that Hanafi's resignation was a reasonable step to take considering that Amien Rais, Hanafi's father, had been expelled from PAN.

"It is natural for Hanafi to resign. Because Hanafi Rais has a choice and that choice certainly wants to follow the steps of his father who was banished and expelled by Zulhas in PAN," said Ujang.

He also assessed that Hanafi is no longer comfortable in PAN. So backing off is a rational choice. Apart from being uncomfortable, Hanafi is also now providing moral support to Amien Rais, who is now out of the party.

"(Hanafi) gave moral support to his father. Because his father should be the one who should get an honorable position in PAN. Zulhas did not even get rid of him," he said.

It is known, last February PAN held a congress and as a result, Zulkifli Hasan was again elected as Chairman of PAN for the 2020-2025 period.

However, the congress was tarnished because the two sides of the candidate for chairman Mulfachri Harahap and Zulkifli Hasan were involved in a commotion, throwing benches at each other during the suspension of the plenary meeting.

After the congress was over and the PAN management was announced, there was no name Amien Rais, who was the party's founder as well as the first general chairman. Sutrisno Bachir also replaced Amien's position as chairman of the honorary council.