8 Activities Kids Can Do To Help Parents At Home

JAKARTA – Homework can be done with all members of the house, including small things that children can do to help their parents. Moreover, both parents work, meaning that homework can be divided according to the capacity of family members.

For parents, here are homework that children can do to help and of course the load is adjusted to their capacity.

Separating dirty clothes

Before washing, the clothes of family members and children need to be separated by type and color. You can give clear direction to the baby, for example, white clothes combined with the same color. Also provide a guide on which baskets for children and parents to wear.

Cleaning up toys

This activity needs to be accustomed every time the children finish playing. This can also lighten domestic work a little as well as teach children to be more disciplined to do good habits.

Saving groceries

For adults who already understand where to store vegetables and toiletries stock. But for children, this requires supervision. You need to give clear instructions and provide examples first.

Wiping up water or food spills

At least, the child will know the need to clean up what has been scattered. What's more, it's the children that make the drinks or food spill out. But, first, give understanding first. This small task will be easier for children to do if their parents are given an example.

Cleaning dust

Cleaning dust can be done by anyone, including children, especially in their own area. For example, you can ask your child to help clean his own study table when it looks dusty.

In order for children to do it happily, build a cheerful atmosphere and avoid giving 'commands' that are burdensome or interfere with playing time.

Invite your sister to play

Of course it is worrying to do a big task for a child who is still limited in his ability To take care of the younger sibling, provide close supervision. But this task of educating him is more responsible if it is done gradually.

Washing utensils

Washing mountain utensils is certainly difficult and is not recommended. But children can help parents to drain the washed dishes or store them in storage or cutlery racks.

Make your own clothes

Before making children more independent, try teaching them to hang their own clothes after taking them off. For example, after traveling wearing a jacket, ask to hang the jacket. If the clothes are dirty, make it a habit to put them in the basket.

The light tasks above can be done based on the age of the child. The older they get, at least they will know what homework can be done independently.