Ugal-Ugalan Kills 4 Passengers On Jalintim Palembang-Jambi, Andre Noversam, AKAP Driver Escape

SUMATERA - The fatal intercity inter-provincial bus accident (AKAP) Sambodo destination Padang-Jakarta at Jalintim Sumatra Jambi-Palembang occurred at Km 214, Thursday, May 27 yesterday. It was reported that four bus passengers died.

South Sumatra Police Traffic Director Kombes CF Hotman Sirait said, apart from the dead victims, dozens of other passengers were injured. It is strongly suspected that the cause of the accident was due to reckless drivers.

"Based on the results of the TKP, there were traces of bus tires on the cliff or siring that were destroyed due to the scour of the left side bus and witness testimony, it was concluded that the accident was due to a reckless driver," said Kombes CF Hotman Sirait, in Palembang, as reported by Antara, Friday, May 28.

The bus with the police number B-7314-NGA is driven by Andre Noversam. Currently the police are chasing Andre because he fled after the accident. The police have come to the location of the case, precisely at Jalan Lintas Timur (Jalintim) Palembang-Jambi Km. 214 Senawar Village, Bayung Lencir District, Musi Banyuasin Regency.

The goal is to collect evidence and check victims, whether they are dead or injured.

Based on information from passengers and eye witnesses the bus was traveling at high speed from the direction of Jambi. Total passengers 33 people, 4 people died and 12 people suffered serious / minor injuries.

The four passengers who died were Doya Aprilia binti Amri (28), AZH (9), NF (7) and HH (11).

The dead and injured victims have been evacuated to the nearest hospital and some have been handed over to their families.

While those who survived were facilitated to continue their journey by another bus.