PB IDI Has Not Received COVID-19 Cases Decreased 11 Percent, Wait Two More Weeks

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) assessed that the statement regarding the reduction in the number of new COVID-19 cases was still premature. According to them, at this time it could not be concluded that way.

This is because the number and coverage of examinations to confirm COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are still very low. Therefore, the current data does not adequately describe the real conditions in society.

"For now it is too early to say that transmission has slowed or decreased," said PB IDI Public Relations Officer Halik Malik to VOI via text message, Monday, May 4.

Moreover, he said, specimen testing through the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was still far from the minimum target, which was 10 thousand examinations. Testing every day can only be 6 thousand to 7 thousand.

So, with that, the data is too early to be presented to the public. According to him, the figure for the decline will only be presented in the next few weeks, when the PCR testing capacity has increased.

"We'll try to see again in the next one to two weeks," said Malik.

In addition to ensuring that as many sample tests are carried out as possible, the government must also ensure that data is presented in a transparent manner. Moreover, this data is useful for monitoring and evaluation in making policies and decisions against COVID-19.

Meanwhile, regarding the PSBB which is claimed to be an effective way to reduce the spread of this virus, Malik said, there must be clear parameters in each city and district that implement it.

"So that the effectiveness and impact can be more measured," he said.

However, related to the lack of specimen examinations due to a lack of human resources, and the government asking PD IDI to take part, he could not answer the gambalang. It's just that, according to PB IDI's appeal, if doctors are needed, of course they will help.

"So far, PB IDI's appeal for all doctors is ready at any time to be involved," he concluded.

New Case Claims Decreased 11 Percent

Previously, the government, through the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, claimed that Indonesia had experienced a decrease in new cases of up to 11 percent. This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo, after holding a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo and the ranks of ministers, through a press conference, The decline was due to the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in a number of areas.

"We explain that the rate of new cases has decreased to 11 percent, but this does not mean we are complacent," he said in a press conference broadcast by the Cabinet Secretariat YouTube account, Monday, May 4.

However, he did not deny the trend of increasing the number of people under surveillance (ODP) and patients under surveillance (PDP). This was also proven by the data on the spread of COVID-19 in the afternoon. On Monday, May 4, the number of positive cases increased by 395 people and if accumulated, the total would reach 11,587 people.

The number of people under supervision increased to 1,809 people with the total accumulation reaching 238,178 people. Meanwhile, for patients under surveillance (PDP) there were an additional 890 patients with a total accumulation of 24,020 people.

In his press conference, Doni admitted that even though there was a flat and downward trend, the number of ODP and PDP in Indonesia continued to grow. What is the reason, he admitted that he could not confirm it.