Kominfo Investigates Leakage Cases Of 91 Million Tokopedia Users

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate said that his party would investigate the leakage of 91 million Tokopedia user account data. The investigation will be carried out with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

"The government will continue to ensure that the digital economy, especially e-commerce, can run smoothly and without any interference by data hackers or data breaches," said Johnny in an online press conference, Monday, May 4, 2020.

He said, the results of the investigation will be updated regularly. "We will seriously carry out evaluation, investigation and technical mitigation. In addition, we will make updates on the progress," he said.

Based on information obtained from Tokopedia, Johnny said, not all user data was hacked. Some user accounts and data are still safe. Unfortunately he did not specify how many accounts were still safe.

"Tokopedia conveyed that financial data and customer accounts are safe. Until now, Tokopedia's security system has not been breached, although some of the data related to names, emails and phones have probably been entered by hackers, but financial data and customer accounts are still safe," light Johnny.

Tokopedia's VP of Corporate Communications, Nuraini Razak explained that his party always strives to maintain the confidentiality of user data because it is the main priority of William Tanuwijaya's business.

"We always try to maintain the confidentiality of user data because Tokopedia's business is a business of trust. User data security is Tokopedia's top priority," said Nuraini in a written statement.

In the future, his party guarantees that a similar case will not be repeated. "All transactions using all payment methods, including debit card, credit card and OVO information, remain secure on Tokopedia," added Nuraini.

Although the user's crucial passwords and information are protected behind encryption, the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny, BSSN and Tokopedia himself suggested that users change passwords periodically and are not advised to use the same password as M-banking data or other online transactions.

"People who own accounts should always change passwords regularly and use the One Time Password (OTP) feature so that personal account security can be maintained properly," said Johnny.

Government Asked to Be Firm

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the ICT Institute, Heru Sutadi, asked the government to respond quickly to reveal this case. This is because personal data on online shopping sites is not safe.

"Make a call to the Tokopedia platform, ask the experts and related institutions to uncover the truth of this problem," Heru said when contacted by VOI.

In fact, he said, people may not believe in online transactions anymore, of course this is endangering Indonesia's digital economy.

"In order for our e-commerce to be safe and trusted, ask why this elaboration is taking place. This business is a trust. I am worried that if I do not believe this can stagnate, this is Indonesia's digital economy," Heru said.