According To Studies, There Are 7 Reasons To Need To Spend Time Alone

JAKARTA - In between busy work and activities, meeting many people, occasionally needs time alone. According to Amy Morin, psychiatrist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, the busier you are, the more you need to enjoy your own time.

According to Morin, there are 7 benefits of enjoying solitude according to science, the following is a list reported by Forbes, Friday, May 28.

Time alone increases empathy

Within your circle of friends or coworkers, an 'us vs them' mentality develops. Spending time alone can help one to increase compassion for people who may not fit in a group of friends.

Solitude increases productivity

An open office space allows everyone to communicate more easily. But research shows that being given more people can reduce productivity. You can do better by having a little 'space' of privacy.

Solitude sparks creativity

Working alone can provide an opportunity for the brain to wander and petrify to be more creative. That is, there is a reason why many writers or artists work alone to complete their work.

Can build mental strength

Time alone and social is needed by every human being. To balance the portion, you can set the time when you need it alone and other times to gather with colleagues. Based on studies, giving time to breathe and alone is associated with increased happiness.

By feeling happy, life satisfaction also increases. Stress management is better and people who enjoy time outs are less depressed.

Reducing behavior problems in children

Research shows that children who are self-taught behave better than other children. This means, as parents need to arrange children's schedules to balance learning alone and with their peers.

The chance to plan

Planning an activity for the next week is different from making a plan for a prosperous life. By spending time alone, you can have the opportunity to ascertain your purpose in life amid the hustle and bustle of the work space.

Solitude helps to know yourself

When enjoying time alone, a person is more comfortable and self-accepting. Even when alone you can make choices without outside interruption. This will help you to recognize your potential better.

It doesn't take long to enjoy alone time, just communicate with your partner and take an hour to stay in a place where you feel comfortable.