Corrupt, Four Students In West Kalimantan Police Arrested For Rape Of Underage Children

JAKARTA - The Ketapang Police, West Kalimantan, arrested four suspects who are still students because they were involved in a rape case where the victim was also a minor. "The four suspects were raped in turn by the four suspects, namely MA, HA, AS, and RG at the suspect's house. RG in Delta Pawan Subdistrict, Ketapang Regency, "said Ketapang Police Chief, AKBP Wuryantono in Ketapang, as reported by Antara, Friday, May 28. He explained that the four suspects were arrested due to reports of the victim having been raped by the four suspects, Tuesday, May 25.
"The rape case, according to the victim's confession, started with him on Tuesday (25/5) at around 15.00 WIB, he was picked up by witness MR (a close friend of the victim) for a walk," he said.
But the victim was instead taken to the house of the RG perpetrator on Jalan Mayjend Sutoyo, after at that house the victim and witness MR had intercourse, then witness MR left the room and left the victim alone, he said. "Not long after, the four perpetrators, namely MA, HA, AS and RG came to the house, then raped the victim, "he said. He added that the suspect MA (16) was still a 10th grade student and the suspect HA (15) had just graduated from junior high school (SMP). Then the suspect AS (17) is a grade 10 student and the suspect RG (17). All of the suspects were residents of Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Kali Nilam Village, Delta Pawan District. The Ketapang Police Chief emphasized that the HA and RG suspects were threatened by Article 285 of the Criminal Code, which is about forced and threatening intercourse and accompanied by obscene acts with a maximum threat of 12 years in prison. "Meanwhile, the US and MA suspects are threatened with Article 286 of the Criminal Code, which is about obscene acts with a maximum threat of nine years in prison," he said.