The President Asks Regional Heads In West Java To Focus On Anticipating The COVID-19 Spike

BOGOR - President Joko Widodo briefed regional heads in West Java province regarding the focus of handling to anticipate a spike in COVID-19 cases after the Eid holiday.

President Jokowi gave the briefing at the Bogor Palace which was attended by regional heads of West Java Province, namely West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, as well as regents and mayors. Also present were the Head of West Java Regional Police and Pangdam VII Siliwangi, as well as the Kapolda Metro Jaya and Pangdam Jaya.

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto, after attending a briefing from President Joko Widodo, said that at the meeting President Joko Widodo gave direction regarding the focus of handling COVID-19.

"The President said that the threat of COVID-19 has not ended. The President reminded regional heads in West Java and Forkopimda not to be careless and anticipate it. Do not let an explosion of COVID-19 cases like in India occur," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 27. .

President Jokowi reminded regional heads and Forkopimda to focus on studying COVID-19 data, indicators and parameters in their respective regions.

"So the regional head must memorize the BOR (: bed occupancy ratio") number, positive cases, and all indicators of COVID-19, in each region, "he said.

The President also urged that the cure rate for COVID-19 be increased. In West Java, the cure rate for COVID-19 as of this week has reached 89 percent, while the cure rate at the national level is already 91 percent.

"If the cure rate is not high, it means that there is something wrong with the administration of drugs or other treatments. So the regional head of the treatment should not be macro but detail at the micro level," he continued.

Responding to Jokowi's direction, the Bogor City Government will focus on strengthening the handling of COVID-19 at the micro level.

"So far, the city of Bogor has carried out the handling of COVID-19 at the micro level, namely PPKM Mikro at the RW level by forming an Alert RW," said Bima Arya.