Banten Prosecutor's Office Detains 3 Corruption Suspects For The Procurement Of Masks That Cost The State Rp1.68 Billion

SERANG - The Banten High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has arrested three suspects in the alleged corruption case of procuring masks at the Health Office.

"We from the investigation team of the Banten High Prosecutor's Office have made efforts to force the detention of three suspects, namely the US, WF and LS," said Head of the Banten High Prosecutor's Office, Asep Nana Mulyana in Serang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 27.

Asep said the two suspects came from the private sector and one suspect was the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Banten Provincial Health Office.

The three suspects were detained after undergoing investigations at the Banten High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) regarding the procurement of KN95-type masks with alleged state losses of up to Rp1.68 billion.

Asep said, the results of the examination by investigators were in-depth and comprehensive and based on the testimony of witnesses, the investigators concluded that there were allegations of state financial losses in the case amounting to Ro1.68 billion from the project value of IDR 3.3 billion.

"Their method is that they agree to change the RAB, which was not that big at first, so we see that there is a significant cost of goods," said Asep.

According to him, the supplier of goods has subcontracted the work and there are allegations of falsification of work documents.

"We believe there are indications of corruption based on the provisional team's calculation of around Rp1.68 billion," said Asep.

According to Asep, the procurement of KN95 masks was intended for health workers in efforts to deal with COVID-19 in Banten.