Police Call 843 People Reactive To COVID-19 After Returning From Their Home Village

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya noted that 834 travelers who entered Jakarta were declared reactive with COVID-19. These results are based on antigen swab examinations at sealing posts and door-to-door schemes from 16 to 26 May.

"Until last night, 109,984 people from Jakarta had been tested for antigen. (The result was) about 834 reactive people," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, May 27.

Hundreds of people who were declared reactive were advised to go into isolation. Some of them are in the Athlete's House and the rest are self-isolating at the nearest house and hospital.

"In detail, there were 460 self-isolation people, who were entrusted to Wisma Athlete with 168 people and in other day care centers there were 206 people," said Yusri.

The tracing scheme for the travelers, continued Yusri, will be carried out until the end of May. In fact, it is possible that it will be extended until June. The goal is to control the spread of COVID-19.

"We are still doing it until the 31st (May), while looking at the situation as well. If it is still necessary and there is an estimate of the reverse flow, we will extend it again," he said.