Honor Bosses Don't Want To Join Huawei And Oppo To Enter The Automotive Industry

JAKARTA - Many of the cellphone manufacturers are currently trying out the automotive industry. Like Huawei which intends to create its own electric car. Unlike the Honor CEO Zhao Ming, who stated that he would not follow the latest trends in working on cars.

Summarized from Gizmochina, Thursday, May 27, through a speech delivered in front of his alma mater at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Ming revealed that Honor will focus more on the smartphone business rather than going into the automotive industry, which now involves various technology company brands from his country.

In addition, Ming's ambition is to make Honor the number one smartphone brand in China and around the world. In recent months, smartphone manufacturers like Honor's former parent company Huawei have been making their own electric vehicles, as well as OPPO, Xiaomi and Apple who are in the line of plans.

Since leaving Huawei, Ming stated that the company has adhered to the “1 + 8 + N” principle for smart products to be launched in the future. Including smartphones as the main device. Meanwhile, other integrated devices include laptops, smart screens, tablets, wearables, hearing devices, routers and other electronic products.

Ming also added how important smartphones are to companies, by explaining the habits of young people who now use smartphones for more than 6 hours a day.

Mainly, Ming believes that even though cars and AR technology will be very popular in the future, smartphones are still irreplaceable. And the company is still focused on consumers and will continue to innovate in the industry, while maintaining relationships with universities and research institutions.