Baswedan's Novel Suspects TWK Is Just A Reason To Get Rid Of Employees Who Work Well

JAKARTA - Senior investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Novel Baswedan, suspects the National Insight Test (TWK) is an agenda to get rid of employees who work well by antirasuah leaders. This, according to him, can be seen from the decision of the leadership not to appoint 51 KPK employees as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on the grounds of not passing further coaching. Thus, the 51 employees will only work in kpk until November 1, 2021." It is increasingly clear that there is an agenda from the KPK Leadership to get rid of kpk employees who work well," said Novel as quoted from mata Najwa event, Wednesday, May 26.Novel revealed, the plan to get rid of KPK employees began to be hampered by the implementation of TWK. This step cannot be stopped even though it is contrary to President Joko Widodo's directive that TWK not be the basis for dismissing KPK employees." The announcement of the KPK Leadership delivered by AM (Alexander Marwata, red), illustrates the attitude of the KPK leadership who will impose the dismissal of 75 KPK employees, either directly or indirectly," said Novel.

The novel asserts, it will continue to fight against such injustices as part of the struggle to eradicate corruption. So it has to continue until the end." If it doesn't work then we will uprightly say that we have done everything in our right to fight," he said.