The Complete Guidance Of Islam Related To Eclipse Phenomenon

JAKARTA - Based on astronomical data, on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, there was a total lunar eclipse or Khusuful Qamar. The eclipse is expected to take place from 18.09-20.51 WIB.

As reported from the website of Ministry of Religion Affairs (Kemenag) website, Prophet Muhammad SAW teaches us the guidance of noble sharia during the solar eclipse or lunar eclipse, among others:

1. Bring fear of Allah during the eclipse of the sun and the moon, because it reminds us of the signs of the Day of Resurrection, or for fear of god's punishment being sent down because of sins committed.

2. Remembering what the Prophet Muhammad SAW had witnessed in Salat Kusuf. It is narrated that in Kusuf prayer, The Prophet (PBUH) was shown by Allah heaven and hell, even he wanted to take a branch from heaven to be shown to them. He is also shown the various forms of punishment inflicted on the people of hell. Therefore, in one of his khutbahs after the eclipse prayer, he said, "O people of Muhammad, by Allah, if you know what I know, you will laugh a little and cry a lot." (H.R. Muttafaq alaih).

3. Calling with the call "Asshalaatu Jaami'ah". And when we are called to prayer, remember Allah, and do not be of those who are in the way of Allah. Aisha narrated that during the eclipse, the Prophet (PBUH) ordered to call for "Ashshalaatu Jaami'ah" (H.R. Abu Daud and al-Nasa'i). There is no adhan and iqamah in the implementation of eclipse prayers. Because the adhaan and iqamah only apply to the five obligatory prayers.

4. It is prescribed to harden the recitation of the letter, whether the prayer is done day or night. This is done by the Prophet (PBUH) in the eclipse prayer (H.R. Muttafaq alaih).

The procedure of Eclipse Prayer

1. Intending in the heart;

2. Takbiratul ihram is to perform as usual;

3. Read the iftitah prayer, then read Al-Fatihah letter continued to read the other letter while sewn (hardened voice, not low);

4. Then bow down’;

5. Then rose from the ruku' (i'tidal);

6. After this i'tidal not immediately bow down, but continued by reading the letter al-Fatihah and other letters. This second stand is shorter than the first;

7. Then ruku' returns (the second ruku') which is shorter in length than the previous ruku';

8. Then rise from the ruku' (i'tidal);

9. Then bow down as long as ruku', then sit between two prostrations, then bow down again;

10.Then rise from prostration and do the second raka'at as the first raka'at, only the readings and movements are shorter than before;


After that, the imam delivered a khutbah to the congregation containing advice to remember, pray (especially for the COVID-19 outbreak to end), pray, and give alms.