Handling COVID-19: Doctors Are Not The First Fortress, But The Last

JAKARTA - Head of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo conveyed a new strategy to deal with the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19. He conveyed this strategy in a closed meeting via teleconference with Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the Graha National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Jakarta, Saturday, May 2.

During the meeting, Doni said that in addition to a medical approach, handling COVID-19 must also be done with a psychological approach that leads to prevention efforts. This is important, because the number of medical personnel and infrastructure owned by the Government is currently limited. Thus, he wanted the medical and psychological balance to go hand in hand.

"We must maintain the balance," said Doni.

Doni is of the opinion that doctors should not be at the forefront of handling efforts, but must be the last force in dealing with COVID-19. Doni explained this understanding with the intention that the community must be healthy so that doctors can be saved.

"Doctors are not the main fortress, but the last fortress," said Doni.

Therefore, the next strategy that needs to be implemented is to fulfill the nutrition of the community to increase immunity, and at the same time also move the wheels of the economy. Because, Doni has a principle, in resolving disasters, new disasters should not be created.

"Hungry man becomes angry man. We don't want that direction," said Doni.

According to BNPB data, there are 2.5 million farmers who have difficulty selling agricultural and plantation products as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, Doni asked for collaboration with related Ministries / Institutions, especially the Ministry of Industry and Regional Heads to overcome this problem with innovations that still apply health protocols.

Doni gave an example, in Salatiga, Central Java, and West Sumatra, traditional markets are still running with different applications than usual. The traders are given a safe distance according to health protocols and sell outside the room regulated by the local government. Then the seller is also required to carry out government advice by still wearing a mask and maintaining a safe distance.

Chairman of Commission VI DPR RI Faizol Riza responded positively to Doni's opinion. According to him, it is fitting for disaster management to not create new disasters. He also appreciated the idea of traditional market innovations such as those already running in Salatiga and several other areas in Central Java and West Sumatra.

"We remain optimistic that the economy can continue," he said.

Even though the traditional market innovation policy has been running, his party will continue to coordinate further regarding other regulations that have been contained in the Ministry of Trade Circular regarding the circulation of goods and the needs of the market economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"What are the steps, we will coordinate again," concluded Riza.