Fear And Doubt Become The Cause Of Vaccination In Murung Raya Minimal

JAKARTA - The head of the Health Office of Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan, Suria Siri, said the participation rate of elderly people who follow COVID-19 vaccination in the region is still minimal.

"There are several factors that affect the lack of elderly people following the vaccination including fear and doubt," he said in Puruk Cahu, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 26.

He explained that the lack of elderly people who come to the place of vaccination is likely because many are consumed hoaks or fake news, so they or their families are reluctant to go to the vaccination service post.

In fact, he continued, the COVID-19 vaccine is harmless, effective, halal and also provided for free by the government.

"So, there is actually no reason not to be vaccinated. As a child and as a young generation, and the management of RT / RW in this area is expected to proactively bring or register the elderly so that they can be vaccinated immediately," he said.

According to him, vaccination for the elderly aims to minimize the number of exposure due to COVID-19, because the elderly group has a high risk of exposure to the virus.

The public is also encouraged to read more and spread the good news related to COVID-19 vaccination to the elderly, so as not to be affected by false information.

Because he continued, until now the level of elderly participation in following the COVID-19 vaccination in Murung Raya is still very minimal.

"Nevertheless, we continue to strive for the participation rate of seniors following vaccination can be maximized according to the target that has been set," he said.

In addition, Suria said to target vaccinations against public service officers, teachers and seniors in Murung Raya until the end of May as many as 10 thousand people.

It has also prepared a center where vaccination services are. Those who are vaccinated in order to visit the service post without the need to bring a certificate of domicile again.

"This vaccination takes place every day in 10 sub-districts held in 15 puskesmas," he added.

In addition, he also appealed to the people of Murung Raya to continue to implement the health protocols that have been recommended by the government by implementing 5M.

"We also hope that the number of events organized by the community such as weddings does not add a new cluster, because of the visible many who do not pay attention to health protocols," said Suria Siri.