Ex-Inter Milan President Drops To The Field Promising To Give Indonesian Farmers A Club Jersey Plus Player's Signature
JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Tohir took to the rice fields to talk to a farmer who is a fan of Inter Milan football club.
In fact, Erick also promised to give inter Milan jersey after the farmer managed to answer the question he gave.
Erick Tohir's action was uploaded on Instagram @pengamatsepakbola. At first, Erick came to some farmers who were growing rice.
Then Erick saw a farmer wearing an Inter Milan jersey. He also questioned the origin of the jersey.
"Is that the shirt was given or really got it?", asked Erick Tohir.
"Got it, sir", replied the farmer.
Erick Tohir, who didn't immediately believe the farmer's statement, tried to test it. He asked the farmer to name the Inter Milan players.
"Who are the players?", asked Erick again.
"Martinez, Lukaku", the farmer said.
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Hearing that answer, Erick was convinced that the farmer was an Internist or a fan of Inter Milan. Finally, he promised the farmer the official jersey from Inter Milan.
In fact, Erick who was then down to the mud-filled rice fields also offered the farmer a jersey with the signatures of the two players mentioned.
"It will be sent yes, with the signature of the player", said Erick. Finally, Erick and the other farmers were photographed together in the middle of the rice fields.
For information, Erick Thohir in 2013 is the majority shareholder of Inter Milan through his company, International Sports Capital. Not only that, but he also briefly served as president of the club.