Update On COVID-19 As Of May 2: Spread Is Still Happening, There Is No Choice But To Stay At Home

JAKARTA - The spread of COVID-19 continues to this day. This is evidenced by the continued increase in the number of positive COVID-19 patients to reach 10,843 people from a total of 107,943 specimens that have been examined. So, there is no other choice for the community besides staying at home to prevent transmission of this virus.

"The results of positive confirmation of COVID-19 to date have reached 10,843 people," said spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's official YouTube account, Saturday, May 2.

Meanwhile, the number of patients who were declared cured currently has reached 1,665, with the largest number coming from DKI Jakarta, East Java, West Java, South Sulawesi, and Bali. Meanwhile, the number of patients who have died is currently 831 people.

Yurianto added, currently, there are 235,035 people under surveillance (ODP) which according to him, most of whom have completed a 14-day monitoring period. Meanwhile, patients under surveillance (PDP) who are currently waiting for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test currently reach 22,545 people.

Regarding the PCR test, Yurianto said, currently there are several laboratories that cannot carry it out. This is because the laboratory is running out of reagents to carry out the test.

"From the existing laboratories, some cannot carry out further checks because the reagents have not arrived. However, most have done it because we have helped provide the reagents," he said.

With the increasing number of this distribution, Yurianto reminded the public to remain disciplined in carrying out work and learning activities from home. In particular, for those in areas that have implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

If the community does not follow this recommendation and still insists on traveling even though it is not urgent and even goes home to their hometown, said Yuri, the apparatus will not hesitate to enforce the rules.

"In conditions like this, the choice is to stay at home because we don't know who brought this virus. Because in terms of data, we find many people who carry the virus but without any disturbance," Yuri explained.

"So that we cannot distinguish which person is carrying the virus and which is not and therefore remain at home and do not travel," he concluded.