DPR Emphasizes Synchronization Of Understanding Of DAK Between Central And Regional

JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of the State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) of the House of Representatives Anis Byarwati stressed the importance of synchronizing understanding related to special allocation funds (DAK) between the central and local governments in order to solve problems related to the fund. Anis said the definition of DAK is to fund special activities, which are regional affairs and in accordance with national priorities." However, in reality, his condition became reversed. Because there are words of national priority, making it entirely the domain of the central government starting from planning, determining the amount of DAK allocation to its evaluation. In the end, dak recipient areas only act as executors without having any policy in the management of DAK funds," he said reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 26.According to him, this problem has been going on for years. Regional planning and budgeting schedules that are out of sync with the central government, are one of the causes. Another cause, he continued, is the regulation or technical guidance of DAK that is often late and not in accordance with the planning schedule in the area. "Finally, it has an impact on the implementation of DAK in the region," said Anis.

This senior MCC politician mentioned that the events that repeat every year related to DAK are found in many areas, as well as the fact that some areas that get DAK allocation are not in accordance with the needs of the region because the menu that determines the central government. Anis explained that in his presentation before Commission XI of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Finance conveyed the slow absorption of DAK funds. The central government felt it had transferred some funds, but the area was slow to absorb so that development was disrupted or infrastructure development in the area became hampered. However, according to him, the regional parties expressed so many obstacles such as late arrivals, changing rules, menus that do not meet the needs of the region, as well as other problems. Previously, Vice President ma'ruf Amin as Chairman of the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council (DPOD) said the discussion of DAK requires synergy from the ministry / institution of DAK development." I assess the need for synergy between the Ministry of Finance, Bappenas, the Ministry of Home Affairs in every process of discussion of DAK," said the Vice President while leading a virtual DPOD Meeting from the official residence in Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 11.Vice President conveyed synergy starting from the stage of policy direction preparation, up to monitoring and evaluation of physical and nonphysical DAK. According to him, the three ministries and dak development agencies should be able to plan strategic steps that can be taken in the future. In particular, currently where Indonesia is experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, where a lot of uncertainty is encountered in the field. This can be done one of them by studying the evaluation of dak implementation in previous years." Anticipation of the problem of the implementation of PHYSICAL DAK activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, also the need to prepare a strategy to use the budget to the maximum, especially to encourage national economic recovery," said the Vice President.