Hundreds Of UNS Students Graduation Online

JAKARTA - As many as 259 students of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta graduated online. This graduation is for the first time because of COVID-19. The graduation was done through the Webex application and broadcast live via their YouTube account.

UNS Chancellor, Jamal Wiwoho said, based on the academic calendar this graduation should have been held on April 25. However, due to unfavorable situations and conditions due to the spread of the virus, it was finally decided that there was a change in the procedure and schedule for the graduation ceremony.

"Due to the consideration of the situation and conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNS decided to change the schedule and procedure for its graduation ceremony. Without reducing the validity and solemnity of its graduation, the procedures for the second period of the UNS graduation ceremony must be carried out by teleconference or via the Webex application with due observance of health protocols," he said. Jamal in his written statement, Saturday, May 2.

The arrangement of the events in the online graduation, he said, is actually not much different. It's just that, for the transfer of the toga pigtail for undergraduate (S1) and Diploma 3 (D3) graduates it is carried out by the parents or guardians of the students.

"Graduates of Diploma and Undergraduate Program move the toga pigtail by their respective fathers / mothers, or guardians. Meanwhile, graduates of S2, S3, PPDS and Professional Program pigtails do not need to be moved," he explained.

In his remarks, Jamal then said the sign of the end of COVID-19 was not yet known. So, the UNS Chancellor ordered the graduates to work in the community to fight this pandemic.

Even though this pandemic threatens all aspects of life, Jamal thinks that something new is happening as a result of this pandemic. One of them is to make the campus look for new ways to carry out teaching and learning activities and other non-academic activities.

He said, due to this pandemic, lecturers are now required to be able to master online communication to support lectures and exam activities.

"The world of education is familiar with digital technology to support learning," he said.

In the implementation of this online graduation, TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto also delivered his scientific oration. In his scientific oration, Hadi analogized fighting the spread of COVID-19 as a war. Thus, all elements of society must move.

"For this reason, the improvement of the quality of human resources must be improved. The term is studying from the cradle to the grave," said Hadi.

Of the total 259 UNS students who graduated online for the first time, there were 9 Doctoral Program graduates, 49 Masters Program graduates, 9 Specialist Doctor Program graduates, and 188 graduates from 11 faculties at UNS. In addition, there are also 4 graduates from the Diploma 3 (D3) Program.