There Are Suspected 'Insiders', BPJS Health Asked To Move Quickly In Case Of Data Leak

JAKARTA - Members of Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Pks Alifuddin Faction asked BPJS Kesehatan to move quickly in investigating the leak of 279 population data sold on an internet forum. Because he suspects there are bpjs health people involved in the incident of population data leak.

"I'm afraid there's an insider who gives you the code. So my advice needs to be investigated. If it is true there is no alhamdulillah, but we suspect here are insiders," alifuddin said in a meeting with the Board of Directors of BPJS Health in Commission IX dpr, Tuesday, May 25.
"This please check correctly and do not let it happen because this is very dangerous everything," he continued. Earlier, BPJS Health President Director Ali Ghufron Mukti said it had formed an investigation team regarding the alleged data leak. BPJS Kesehatan, he said, has coordinated with a number of parties ranging from the Supervisory Board of BPJS Health, The State Cyber and Password Agency (BSSN), the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), cyber ministry of defense (Kemenhan), and IT security experts." We've formed a team, there's a chairman to investigate. Of course we have now reported to Bareskrim, meaning that (the presence of insiders) may also happen and we have also moved," he said.

"Because it has not been completed (investigation, red), so can not know if there is a leak or not. But it's been crowded that this leaked. So do not know exactly what he offered is true data BPJS or not, it does not know, but if it looks like yes," said Ali Ghufron.
 Nevertheless, he did not deny there was a data leak of BPJS Kesehatan participants, even though there is already a layered security system. For its own security system, BPJS Kesehatan applies several layers of security system. These include perimeter security controls, network security, endpoint security, application security, and data security controls." That is, it doesn't close the possibility and we 'oh there's no way we've layered', no, it's possible but it needs proof it needs to be processed because it's so complex and the data is big so it takes time," he said. Even so, Ali ensured bpjs health services were not affected by the alleged data leak. Therefore, he urged all bpjs health participants not to panic over the incident." There is no need to lose trust unless there is a disrupted service or something, so all of this is still under investigation" he said.