Study Activities In Musala Jabir Protested By Citizens, Inflamed Clerics Ask Forkompimda Aceh Barat Act

ACEH - The Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of West Aceh District recommended the cessation of the study activities of a community organization in Musala (Surau) Jabir Al Ka'biy Meulaboh.

Surau is located in Drien Rampak Village, Johan Pahlawan District.

"This recommendation we convey because the study activities in Musala Jabir Al Ka'biy have been very troubling to the community, and the potential for conflict in the community," said Chairman of the Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of West Aceh District Teungku Haji Abdurrani Adian in Meulaboh reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 25.

The affirmation was delivered while attending a meeting with Forkompimda, elements of the Forum for The Communion of Religious People (FKUB) of West Aceh, government officials, scholars, community leaders, and other relevant parties.

According to Teungku Abdurrani Adian, the recommendation of termination of the study was made after MPU received complaints from hundreds of people. The content of the study is allegedly contrary to Islamic teachings and has the potential to divide unity and unity in society.

MPU then conducted a review and deliberation to take the best solution to the problem.

Meanwhile, community representative Drien Rampak, Meulaboh who is also the imam of Teungku Mukhrizal mosque in his presentation urged that forkompimda Aceh Barat immediately stop the study activities in Musalla Jabir Al Ka'biy.

During this time the activities in the mosque often get opposition from the community.

"We ask for forkompimda Aceh Barat, so that the study activities at Jabir Al Ka'biy Mosque are immediately stopped," he said.

Meanwhile, West Aceh Regent Ramli MS accompanied by Forkompimda said that his party immediately followed up on the recommendations of MPU Aceh Barat, in order to get the best solution to this problem in accordance with the rule of law and applicable laws.