Minister Budi Karya Calls The Capital Transportation System Will Be Based On Electric Vehicles, Integrated With The New Airport

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the direction of the construction of new state capital facilities and infrastructure (IKN) in East Kalimantan will adopt new and environmentally friendly technologies. Meanwhile, transportation will prioritize connectivity supported by an integrated transportation system.

Furthermore, Budi said this new and environmentally friendly technology can be seen from the development process intended for electric vehicles, trains, to the integration of air transportation through the new airport to be built.

"We have always thought that for the construction of IKN we must be consistent to make efforts to reform culture, technology, including reforms in the field of transportation using electric vehicles. It's one form of things that we've started, but there (IKN) will be more comprehensive," he said in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, May 25.

According to Budi, it is important to do so because transportation will open connectivity between regions in the country. In fact, connectivity is the determinant for the development of a region, especially the New Capital in East Kalimantan Province.

"Transportation becomes a focus. Because connectivity is the determinant for the development of a city. Smart transportation is an option," he explained.

Furthermore, Budi said the government designed IKN to create opportunities for academics to contribute to the concept, as well as to the community in order to capture business opportunities, employment land, and science land, especially for the younger generation.

"Because this is a legacy that will be felt sustainably, I hope IKN becomes a milestone in the progress of smart and integrated transportation for the Indonesian nation," he said.

On the same occasion, East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor said the relocation of the nation's capital in East Kalimantan will have a positive effect on real investment growth, economic growth and employment opportunities.

Based on the results of studies that have been conducted by Bappenas, said Isran, the development of IKN is believed to increase investment interest in East Kalimantan as well as throughout Kalimantan and the provinces adjacent to Kalimantan. Such as South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Sulawesi.

"Surely to take advantage of this opportunity needs to be supported by a good investment climate in the region. It is projected that the presence of investment IKN will increase to 47.7 percent for East Kalimantan, 34.5 percent for Kalimantan island and 4.7 percent for national," said Isran.

According to Isran, in the end this also affects economic growth which is expected to increase 7.3 percent for East Kalimantan, 4.7 percent for Kalimantan island and 0.6 percent for national.

"Increasing economic growth and investment in East Kalimantan also has an impact on increasing investment in other areas outside the island of Kalimantan, especially those in Sulawesi that do have a commodity supply chain closely enough to East Kalimantan," he explained.

Meanwhile, in terms of population, said Isran, the presence of IKN in East Kalimantan will encourage an increase in the population. It is estimated to reach between 1.5 to 2 million people. This increase in population mainly comes from state officials and civil servants and their families.

In addition, the impact of population growth will also encourage economic actors to make investments to meet market demand formed by growing economic activity.

"Then employment opportunities will experience a potential growth in job opportunities estimated at 10.5 percent for the island of Kalimantan and nationally by 1 percent," he said.

"With the presence of IKN in East Kalimantan the development of the economic sector should focus on diversification and the creation of new economic sectors, and the principle of sustainable, green and high-tech industrial development," he said.