Members Of The Parliament Of Sumbar Report Suspected Misuse Of COVID-19 Funds To KPK

PADANG - Six members of the West Sumatra Parliament reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the alleged misuse of the procurement budget for COVID-19 handling goods at BPBD Sumbar.Those who reported the case to the KPK, namely Hidayat and Evi Yandri (Gerindra Party), Nurnas and Nofrizon (Democratic Party), as well as Albert Hendra Lukman and Syamsul Bahri (PDI Perjuangan).

Member of the Parliament of Sumbar Province Evi Yandri said four KPK employees had received the report in the reporting and complaints room of the Directorate of Public Reports and Complaints, Ministry of Information and Data kpk, Monday, May 24." The report is on behalf of the individual, not on behalf of the institution and not on behalf of the party," he was quoted as saying by Antara on Tuesday, May 25.

The report relates to the procurement of goods for the handling of COVID-19 in fiscal year 2020 amounting to Rp7.63 billion. They suspect the procurement of goods is not in accordance with the provisions based on the Report of Inspection Results (LHP) BPK Representative of West Sumatra to lkpd year 2020. Based on the results of the examination of the Inspection Report on Internal Control System and Compliance with Laws and Regulations by BPK Perwakilan Sumatera Barat Province Number 40.C/LHP/XVIII.PDG/05/2021 dated May 6, 2021, the problems that caused the procurement of goods for the handling of COVID-19 are not in accordance with the provisions and potentially detrimental to regional finances.

Allegedly due to the cost of procurement of hand sanitizer (hand sanitizer) 100 ml and 500 ml which resulted in indications of regional financial losses amounting to Rp4,847 billion.

Payment transactions amounting to Rp49 billion are not in accordance with the provisions because in cash so that the potential for abuse occurs. Of these payments, he said, there are payments to people who cannot be identified as providers of goods.

In addition, there is also a hazmat procurement (premium PPE) of 21,000 units in accordance with a contract worth Rp375 thousand / unit or a total of Rp7,875 billion.

Alleged evasion in the procurement of surgical masks as much as 4,000 boxes and the procurement of rapid tests worth Rp275 thousand / unit or a total contract worth Rp2.75 billion.

After that, the alleged evasion in the procurement of surgical gown as much as 15,000 pcs worth Rp125 thousand / unit with a total contract value of Rp1,875 billion.

Based on the findings of the CPC, he assessed the procurement of goods for the handling of COVID-19 at BPBD Sumbar is not in accordance with the provisions of Rp7.631 billion. Therefore, it is expected to be processed legally by KPK investigators.

In the complaint document also submitted additional information based on the Report of Inspection Results (LHP) on Compliance handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Year 2020, there are also findings in the procurement of goods for handling in BPBD Sumbar with recommendations there are price skills and lack of volume for the procurement of hand sanitizer amounting to Rp4.9 billion.

There is also a way of payment for the procurement of goods to third parties amounting to Rp49 billion which is not in accordance with the provisions because it is paid in cash.

Tag: korupsi kpk nusantara padang covid 19 sumatera barat