Suspect In Tax Case Sends Rp800 Million In Kejari Payakumbuh, His Case Loses State Rp2.7 Billion

PAYAKUMBUH - Suspect ED (44) tax evasion deposited money amounting to Rp800 million to the State Prosecutor (Kejari) Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. The case is estimated to have cost the state's finances Rp2,760,781,864.

Plh Kejari Payakumbuh Adhi Thya F said in the first stage the suspect through the family deposited Rp800 million in the account of the Payakumbuh State Prosecutor.

"It is a depository until the verdict in the court of injunction or legal force remains. Now we are preparing to submit the docket to PN Payakumbuh," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Tuesday, May 25.

At the time of the deposition of money from the suspect was attended directly Kasi Intel Robby Prasetya, Kasi Pidsus Satria Lerino, Public Prosecutor Hadi Saputra, the family, and Bank BRI.

He said he welcomed the suspect's wishes through the family by visiting the Payakumbuh State Prosecutor's Office to follow the legal process and deposit money.

"Early indications of losses amounted to Rp2,760,78,864. It is likely that the family will hand over the damages again, there may be several stages," he said.

Furthermore, he urged people who are still delinquent to pay taxes immediately and always obey to pay taxes.

"Because tax crimes can be punished. Hopefully this can be a lesson for people to remain obedient and obedient to pay taxes," he said.

Meanwhile, the family of ED suspect (44), Adi claimed the family will comply and accept the ongoing legal process.

"I hope something like this doesn't happen again and it's a lesson for all of us to stay obedient to paying taxes," he said.

Previously, the Payakumbuh State Prosecutor's Office detained ED suspects (44) suspected of tax crimes that caused state losses amounting to Rp2,760,781,864.

ED (44) is an entrepreneur engaged in the sale of gambir products in Limapuluh Kota Regency and registered as a Taxpayer at the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama Payakumbuh.

He said it was the consideration of the Public Prosecutor to make arrests because it considers the possibility of suspects to flee, repeat the act or eliminate evidence.

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