Evidence Of The Pre-Employment Card Program Which Is Not On Target

JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Program formed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has again drawn criticism. This time, regarding the program registrant selection system. This is because several parties considered that there was no clear benchmark used for the assessment, so that it could potentially be enjoyed by those who were not the target participants, as is the goal of the program.

Agustinus Edy Kristianto, a senior journalist, tried to investigate the Pre-Work Card program by registering for the program. As a result, he found many irregularities, ranging from an unclear selection system to alleged violations of the law.

Initially, Edy applied for the Pre-employment Card on April 16. Then, on April 29, he completed the online training required by the government to receive cash incentives. On the same date, the online training certificate: "Journalism: Writing a News Script Like a Reliable Journalist", came out.

After getting online training certification, Edy admitted that he doubted it. This is because the certificate was signed by the CEO of Skill Academy Adamas Belva Syah Devara, where the person concerned does not have expertise in that field.

The next question is, how is the effectiveness of the certification? Because this certificate was issued not from a competent party in the world of the press such as the Press Council, Dr Press Institute. Soetomo (LPDS), or the Yogyakarta Education and Publishing Training Institute (LP3Y).

"(Belva) is a person who may never have been in the press world, maybe even never written a single title in his entire life," said Edy, confirmed by VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, May 1.

Not only that, Edy also proved that online training certificates could come out without completing a single video of the 11 in the class.

"I prove that there was an online class buying and selling transaction in the Pre-Employment Card which was paid for by state funds of Rp. 5.6 trillion. I proved the transaction of Rp. 220 thousand for the purchase of the pre-employment package 'techniques for writing news scripts like a reliable journalist' which consists of 11 videos through the Skill Academy," he explained.

In fact, said Edy, when he finished 13 exam questions (exams) based on his knowledge, he could exceed the passing grade.

"I proved myself that the balance had decreased to Rp. 780 thousand and I was asked to wait for the schedule for disbursing the incentives, which I connected to the OVO account. I proved that the state money was reduced by Rp. 220 thousand in my Pre-employment Card balance and entered the Skill Academy account," he said.

The state budget for the Pre-Work Card program is not small. Therefore, Edy reminded, Rp. 5.6 trillion which came from the state budget should not be used for video purchases like this.

Karut Marut Participant Selection System

The focus of Edy's investigation is not about the certification issued by an incompetent person, but more than that. He highlighted that the Pre-Employment Card program participant selection system does not have clear benchmarks. So, they can pass those who are not the target of the program.

"Evidently, I can pass participants like me, who are not the target participants. I filled in the data as an entrepreneur, not a victim of layoffs, the management and shareholders of the company as well," he said.

Edy said, if the government wants to provide training, there should not be an element of buying and selling like this. According to him, the government needs to find the best format regarding the participant selection system at the best time later, not when people are having difficulty facing the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic.

"Stop immediately the business of buying and selling online classes / video training for Rp. 5.6 trillion. If you want semibansos, prioritize Rp. 600 thousand per month directly to participants. Add Rp150 thousand incentive to fill out surveys to participants. Directly. Without any conditions," he said.

Filling in the survey in the Pre-Work Card class, said Edy, was completely useless for the participants. He assessed that the survey only benefits digital platforms that require ratings or reviews to run their business through digital promotions.

"There, one of which is the company's valuation will be inflated. Distribute IDR 750 thousand per month for 4 months through BNI, OVO, Gopay, LinkAja please. However, the important thing is that it is complete to the participants to help them survive," he said.

Edy emphasized that this assistance really had to reach the right participants, who really needed it from Sabang to Merauke.

"Forget the digital certificate gimmick. It's no use at all," he explained.

Furthermore, Edy also questioned, what else was needed by President Jokowi as a consideration for stopping the buying and selling transaction of online training videos at an APBN cost of IDR 5.6 trillion.

"That's all Mr. President. This has exceeded the limit of sanity. Greetings, 5.6 trillion," he said.

It's no different from YouTube

One of the Pre-employment Card participants, Juniansyah Azhari, said that after trying to register for this program 10 times, he was only able to fill in his personal data. After being successful, and receiving an SMS stating they had passed, the next step was to take online training.

"I just followed what I wanted to know. Just now I took part in the training to be successful as a YouTuber," he said when contacted by VOI.

According to Juniansyah, the training provided by the Pre-employment Card is not much different from the free one that can be accessed on the YouTube platform.

"Yes, it's actually the same (with YouTube). I'm just pursuing the certificate, so I want to be involved," he said.

Job seeker illustration. (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

Not only that, Juniansyah admitted, the presenters in the online training class that he participated in were not straightforward in providing material on tips for success in becoming a YouTuber.

"In fact, in my opinion, the speakers are also frizzy. There is really a lack of ways in which he provides the education. As if he is not a professional," he said.

New Problems Appear

Bhima Yudhistira, an economist at the Institute for Development on Economic (Indef), said that from the beginning his party had been critical of the Pre-Work Card program. Because, starting from the concept, this program has also been problematic. Initially, this program existed for normal situations with economic growth still at 5 percent.

However, he continued, with the COVID-19 outbreak, the target of the program participants was not on target. Thus, causing the government to find it difficult to determine the target of this program.

"Now the target is confused. Want the victims of layoffs, want to still work. Second, the appointment of the 8 digital platforms is also confusing. Because you shouldn't rush, and be forced," he said.

According to Bhima, the Pre-Work Card program has actually raised new problems in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because, the target of this program is not clear.

"Obviously this raises new problems. That's why we ask the BPK, KPK, Ombudsman, KPPU to carry out a clearer investigation regarding this Pre-Employment Card program," he said.

On the other hand, Bhima also highlighted, the online training content offered is also very basic, where similar training can be found on the YouTube platform and can be accessed for free.

"The form of certification is also a question. Can the certification issued by the online training be used to apply for a job? Not necessarily. Because, from this Pre-Employment Card, no company has been invited to cooperate to accommodate 5.6 million participants," he said.

Bhima assessed that an unclear selection system with no benchmarks could pass those who do not need it. Moreover, there are incentives provided through this program.

"This can go to those who are still working or those whose income is still good in the midst of a pandemic. In fact, those who really need assistance, such as the layoff victims, are not even assisted. Many find it difficult to access," he explained.

Furthermore, Bhima explained, this online-based Pre-Employment Card program can make it difficult for some people. Because, there is digital imbalance in Indonesia.

"If you want access to the Pre-Employment Card you must have a smartphone, have a laptop, buy a data package. If it's like this, don't let those who are victims of layoffs not be able to access them from the start. Instead, those who earn well can access the Pre-Work Card because they have internet, have a smartphone and other capital, "he said.