Simple! How To Train Thigh Muscles At Home, Do This Movement

JAKARTA – The most potential way to shrink the thigh is to train it continuously so that the muscles tighten and do not shake. Although the size is large, but if the muscles are toned will look sexy.

In fact, large sizes on both calves and thighs are not always due to fat piles. Exercises or exercises with certain movements also make it fuller. Well, the movement is also useful to tighten even though it takes a moment to look singset.

Want to train your thigh muscles at home with simple moves? Here's a recommendation for the movement.

Jumping jacks

The first movement is called jumping jacks. The direction, you can raise your hands above your head in a straight and wide position. Position both legs open, jump and bend their knees so that they feel straddled. Jumping jacks can be done at least 8 times.

Pile squats

Still with movements that do not require equipment. The second movement is pile squats. What's the difference with squats? This movement takes a freeze position for a few seconds in a half-squat position.

This causes a tightening effect on the calves and the entire thigh including the inner thighs. To perform this movement, be sure to wear clothes that have good circulation or absorb sweat. Because, the legs and upper body will be flooded with sweat.

First, take an upright position with your hands around your waist. Second, stand upright and both legs open. Third, slowly lower the ass like a half squat. Keep your back straight and hold your hips balanced against your spine.

The position is held for a few seconds and lift the buttocks and hips back or stand in their original position. Pile squats can be done as many as 10 times.


Furthermore, step-up movements are similar to up and down stairs. Step-ups can be beneficial to tighten the muscles of the back and front thighs. How to perform this movement, first select an area that has a ladder as high as 20 centimeters. It can also be with a sturdy wooden bench.

Second, lift one leg and the other leg stay in the bottom position. This movement seems to be going up the stairs but not until you step foot. Repeat each foot 8 times.

Tightens thigh muscles

Although the position feels relaxing the back, this fourth movement is quite challenging and no less sweaty than the previous movements. How to do it, prepare a mattress or base that makes the back as a pedestal feel comfortable.

Then take the position on your back with your hands on the side of the body. Then lift both legs straight up and lower them one by one sideways to the right or left while keeping the position straight. After doing as much as 15 times each position, sweat can soak around the legs and body.

Running and cycling

Both of these sports are certainly taka sing for you. Movement in running and cycling also tightens the overall leg muscles, including compressing the thigh muscles.

Before doing all the moves including running and cycling, you are advised to stretch first. Stretching or heating needs to be done to minimize cramping.